VM & Display Show 2019
Photos of some of the stands that caught my attention at the VM & Display Show in London UK on 3rd April.
Shining a light on some Mad creativity.
Keeping abreast of the latest developments in mannequins from Universal Display.
This CNC-milled polystyrene sheep from Studio 43 is neither small nor far away.
Imprint's corrugated cardboard head demonstrates a fast, economical and easily recyclable way to go big in 3D, while cleverly channeling the power cables to the stand.
Cutfoam Vincent! Don't cut anything else!
Eye-catching butterflies show off Contour's seven-colour-including-silver print capabilities.
Metal Vision has an iron grip on this display. OK, a stainless steel grip.
What first appear to be big books stretch out into tables, chairs and benches from Paperlounge.
It's not witchcraft, it's Alchemy, with a good example of transparent LCD with plenty of strong internal illumination from one side for contrasty modelling of the products inside the cabinet.
What's that coming over the hill? Is it Harlequin's furry bouncy castle?