VLANs vs. Microsegmentation: Why Are We Stuck in 1984?

VLANs vs. Microsegmentation: Why Are We Stuck in 1984?

Let's take a trip back to 1984. What was happening in tech? Apple released its first Macintosh, “Ghostbusters” was a box-office hit, and the world got its first taste of Tetris. And in the networking world, VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) were developed to make network segmentation possible.

Flash forward 40 years, and despite all the advances in technology, VLANs are still a common solution for segmenting networks. But here’s the big question: Why are we relying on a tool from the ‘80s to protect today’s complex networks and our customers’ livelihoods?

VLANs: The Old Guard

For those not in the networking weeds, VLANs work by creating isolated groups on a network. It’s like giving each department in a company its own hallway and only certain people have keys to enter. Sounds good, right? But here’s where things get tricky.

VLANs work well on a basic level, but they’re also tied closely to the network’s physical setup. If you want to move devices around or adjust configurations, you may find yourself in a maze of configurations and limitations. And as businesses grow and technology advances, VLANs’ structure can actually hold things back.

Enter Microsegmentation: The Nextgen Network Segmentation method

Unlike VLANs, microsegmentation is all about securing each individual application or workload. Picture it as a flexible security bubble around each app, regardless of where it sits on the network. It’s not about hallways and keys; it’s about locking down each endpoint individually and customizing the level of access as needed. Plus, it evolves and adapts with the environment, which means fewer gaps and less risk.

Microsegmentation gives Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and IT teams a new level of control and visibility. Want to limit access to sensitive data only to specific devices? Microsegmentation can do that. Need to adjust security policies as your client’s needs change? Microsegmentation’s got your back.

Why Stick with the Past?

If you’re still using VLANs as your primary network security strategy, let me ask: Are you protecting your clients with 1984 computer technology? Why not use the best tools available today? A lot has changed since parachute pants and Rubik’s cubes, so why should network security stay the same?

Let’s give our clients the modern, adaptable security they need—because, just like Tetris, we don’t need a blast from the past messing up our high score.

What’s your take on microsegmentation? Are you seeing more demand for it from clients? Drop a comment—I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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