Vivoo-Licious News

Vivoo-Licious News

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Discover the Power of Your Plate

Dive into the fascinating connection between nutrition, sustainability, and the future of our planet. Discover how your food choices have the potential to transform both your own well-being and the health of our environment!

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Dine with a Purpose

Uncover the link between our food consumption and its ecological consequences. Discover how adopting a climate-friendly diet can contribute to a sustainable future. Read more to learn about the impact of our food choices on the environment and how adopting a "climatarian" diet can help you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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Start a Plastic Free Movement

Plastic has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, making reducing its consumption a daunting task. However, this year's focus on combating plastic pollution calls for a change in habits and mindset. To learn practical tips and effective strategies for reducing plastic consumption, check out this comprehensive guide.

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Go Green on June 5th

Gear up to #BeatPlasticPollution this World Environment Day on June 5th and discover how your actions can create a greener future. Read more about the global effort and learn effective ways to make a positive impact!

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As this year’s theme is about beating plastic pollution, we would like to mention that Vivoo strips are environmentally sustainable and mainly paper-based.

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