VIVO: Value In, Value Out
Before you can create value, you first have to appreciate it

VIVO: Value In, Value Out

An essay on the difficulties of creating customer loyalty based solely on low prices led me to my own thoughts on client loyalty and how we achieve it. The upshot is this: Delivering value to our clients requires a culture built on recognizing what's truly valuable.

There's a lot that goes into that, and in general I subscribe to the proposition that value is a function of price and quality -- or, as we might notate it in shorthand, V = f(P, Q). So when I talk about "Value In," what I really mean to say is that having a quality staff leads to a quality product, which directly drives value.

Makes sense, right? Please click on the link to read a few more thoughts about my value in, value out proposition.

And of course and as always, please feel free to use my very cool, very efficient availability tool if you'd like to find time to speak with me directly. I'll be glad you did.


