In Vivo Treatment
This past week we treated our PHP program clients to a baseball game. They have been working hard for the past two weeks and we decided we would reward them for all their efforts. Little did we know that counseling sessions would dominate our day.
Therapy is an interesting endeavor. Classically trained I had always thought that counseling only took place in the therapy room. I would sit face to face with them and the magic would begin. Well side to side more came streaming out from many of the clients. One in particular started talking about wanting to drink a beer. "But you are in treatment right now!" I had to remind them. Suddenly I was thrust into an indepth look at an issue the person "failed to mention" during the intake assessment. During the walk to and from the car other mini sessions broke out about past sporting events and the abuse they suffered and one person realizing they couldn't become a professional athlete and how hard it had been on them.
I am learning that counseling sessions can appear in a conversation on breaks, during a meal, while singing Karaoke, or in the midst of drawing something. When people are side by side it seems less threatening and real issues tend to be voiced.
Now the sky's the limit! I want to go bowling and miniature golf, maybe go fishing or sailing. I'd like to run with this concept and test it out.