Vivere est Militare
“To live is to fight”
Some struggles or forces of resistance are so ever present we forget we’re in them:
gravity would have us flat on the ground all day if we didn’t fight it.
Some fights are distractions that take your focus off more important ones:
Drama or anger that comes up when you’re delayed in traffic (probably should have left
earlier so you’re really just mad at yourself)
Some are fights you have initiate to further your goals. Some come to you so you have no
choice but to engage.
Many fights aren’t worth it, but the ones that matter are true turning points to progress and
happiness. Before you act, picture what happens when you win. The result is important, but
perhaps not as important of whether or not you are you proud of why you fought and how you
There is nothing to shy away from or any shame in the struggle because we’re all in it. The
truth is, most of our fights are internal. We fight against looking silly (or we don’t), we fight
against Fear, Uncertainty, or Doubt (or we don’t), we fight against our comfort levels (or we
don’t). we fight to realize our goals (or we don’t). Whether it’s your internal fight or an
external one, choose them carefully and do everything you can to win.
Vivere est Militare
Let’s go.