Vitamin C, an antioxidant ..
Vitamin C
Vitamin C prevents cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, certain cancers and infections. It protects against cellular aging, and supports immunity.
It allows the synthesis of collagen, which is a protein responsible for the maintenance of the skin, gums, cartilage...
Most mammals are able to synthesize vitamin C in their liver or kidneys, but not humans.
In the human body, vitamin C is required in the synthesis of red blood cells. It promotes the absorption of iron and contributes to the immune system.
Chemically speaking, vitamin C, or ascorbic acid is an antioxidant. That is to say an element that neutralizes or reduces the damage caused by free radicals in the body.
Free radicals are oxidized molecules, i.e. which carry more electrons than necessary, unstable and very reactive derivatives of oxygen.
Good sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially dark green vegetables.
A vitamin C deficiency of just 3 months causes the disease scurvy. This is characterized, among other things, by fatigue, irritability, soft gums, fragility of the bones,...
In dietetics, one recommend a daily intake of vitamin C, in mg, of 100 for children, 110 for adults, and 120 for the elderly.
Vitamin C does not accumulate in the body, any surplus is eliminated in urine and stool.
A supplement of 250 to 500 mg, in tablets, per day is recommended for all those who do not consume fruits abundantly.
-- Abdurrazzak Ajaja
March 2018