The 'Vital Links' of our Campaign
Every week, through this newsletter, I report on media coverage relevant to supporting the mission and vision of The Ottawa Hospital (TOH). The intent is to alert you to coverage that you can in turn relay to interested parties, particularly potential donors, to help develop their knowledge of TOH’s value to them, their families, our community, our nation, and the world as a whole – both now and in the future. TOH is doing so much, and there has been no shortage of coverage to report on. So much perhaps, that I have overlooked reporting on a significant media publication that is expressly dedicated to our very cause – the Foundation’s own twice-monthly newsletter, Vital Links, published by our marketing team.
"Vital Links" is a major player in our effort to raise awareness and support for our ambitious Campaign to Create Tomorrow. And it is doing great!
Our latest data shows an incredible open rate of 59.5% and a click-through rate (CTR) of 4%. To put that into perspective, the industry open-rate average for healthcare newsletters is 37.39% and a CTR of 2.4% — so, we’re nearly double! This is a testament to the powerful content we share, from inspirational patient stories to the latest in innovative research, leading-edge technology, and extraordinary care.
With approximately 61,000 subscribers, our newsletter is reaching a large audience. Whenever someone opens Vital Links, they connect with the heart of our hospital and the future we’re shaping together. But it doesn’t stop there — each person has the potential to further amplify our message by sharing the newsletter with friends and family, and encouraging others to subscribe.
Vital Links offers a direct line for our community to receive regular updates on how their support makes a tangible impact. By keeping our audience engaged, informed, and inspired, we’re raising awareness and driving the connections that are crucial to our Campaign’s success.
If you haven’t already, subscribe to Vital Links below and encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to do the same. You can also stay connected by following Vital Links on LinkedIn, where you can easily share it with your network and join the conversation by leaving comments!?
World-first clinical trial developed at TOH
TOH experts, in collaboration with uOttawa and Satellos Bioscience, are leading world-first research with a groundbreaking clinical trial testing a new therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Developed by Dr. Michael Rudnicki and his team, this innovative treatment targets muscle stem cells to help those with DMD repair and regenerate muscle tissue. The first phase is taking place in Australia, with subsequent phases planned for Canada and other countries.
Leading the future of innovation and research
On September 2, the Ottawa Business Journal published our sponsored story about Dr. Rebecca Auer , who stepped into her new role as the Executive Vice-President of Research and Innovation at TOH and CEO and Scientific Director of the hospital’s research institute (OHRI) in July. Dr. Auer speaks to her belief and investment in the power of research, and the hope it offers both now and in the future. She also explores how the hospital's New Campus Development will help expand and accelerate research advances, and the importance of philanthropy in making it all happen. Be sure to share this with your networks!
Praise (and a dab of linseed oil) for TOH
The Ottawa Citizen's 'Letter to the Editor' on August 30 highlighted a patient's praise for the exceptional care and professionalism at The Ottawa Hospital's Riverside Eye Care Centre, calling it a world-class facility that Ottawa can take pride in. While on August 29, another letter lamented that "the Civic administration has neglected maintenance" of the old building and highlighted the weathered condition of the "solid oak doors" at the Parkdale Clinic – the home of our Foundation office.
I love how these two letters complement each other – as they speak to the priority of material world-class care over superficial maintenance of a century-old building that will soon be replaced and repurposed. It’s a great testimony to how we are pouring everything we can into the best patient care and to building the most patient-centred and technologically advanced research hospital to help reshape the future of healthcare. As for those old doors, next time I’m walking into my office, I’ll see if I can’t give them a little linseed oil myself ??.
Is Ontario’s healthcare system ready for corner-store alcohol sales?
In the August 25 issue of the Toronto Star and The Waterloo Region Record, an article on Ontario's upcoming alcohol sales expansion featured insights from TOH's very own Dr. Daniel Myran. Cited as a national authority, Dr. Myran shares his knowledge of the potential health impacts, highlighting his leading-edge research on how increased alcohol availability could lead to more emergency room visits, chronic health conditions, and social problems across the province.