Visualizing Your Code with Mermaid Chart Extension for GitHub Copilot
Andrii Soroka
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Solution Architect/Technical Expert/Developer
With the advent of automatic generation of technical documentation using ALDOc tool and XML comments, we can continuously enhance the quality of our solution or customization documentation.
For instance, you can find such documentation for Microsoft Apps in the System and Base Application reference for Dynamics 365 Business Central.
The ALDoc tool generates a set of HTML files that can be viewed in a browser. However, the documentation can be further improved by adding diagrams to better understand the solution's architecture.
Let's explorer how to create a system architecture diagram in the form of a Mermaid using Mermaid Chart Extension for GitHub Copilot.
We'll use the example of tables from "Base Application" (namespace Microsoft.Inventory.Item):
Generate Mermaid diagram from AL files
Let's attach the files with the AL code that contains the table definitions. Then I use the command @mermaid-chart in the Copilot chat window.
The result is the Mermaid diagram that represents the table structure.
string No
string No_2
string Description
string Search_Description
string Description_2
boolean Assembly_BOM
string Base_Unit_of_Measure
int Price_Unit_Conversion
enum Type
string Inventory_Posting_Group
string Shelf_No
string Item_Disc_Group
boolean Allow_Invoice_Disc
int Statistics_Group
int Commission_Group
decimal Unit_Price
enum Price_Profit_Calculation
decimal Profit_Percent
enum Costing_Method
decimal Unit_Cost
boolean Critical
string Common_Item_No
string Item_No
string Code
decimal Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure
decimal Qty_Rounding_Precision
boolean Coupled_to_Dataverse
decimal Length
decimal Width
decimal Height
decimal Cubage
decimal Weight
string Code
string Item_No
string Description
string Description_2
guid Item_Id
boolean Blocked
boolean Sales_Blocked
boolean Purchasing_Blocked
boolean Service_Blocked
string Code
string Parent_Category
string Description
int Indentation
int Presentation_Order
boolean Has_Children
datetime Last_Modified_Date_Time
guid Id
ITEM ||--o{ ITEM_VARIANT : has
ITEM }|..|{ ITEM_CATEGORY : belongs_to
The diagram itself will look like this
As always, there are some limitations to consider.
Despite these limitations and inaccuracies, the Mermaid Chart Extension for GitHub Copilot is a helpful tool for visualizing your code.