Visualization Techniques for the ER

Visualization Techniques for the ER

I wrote this story more than 5 years ago, but I wanted to share it again, as a reminder that my faith and positive prayers help me and my family prevail through fear.

My dad was in the ER for 9 hours.

He got there because of an accident at the dentist's office. While his dentist was excavating a tooth, a crown became loose. My dad choked and swallowed a ? inch dental prosthesis. It lodged in his left bronchi.

My sister, my mom, and I went to visit my dad in the hospital in the evening, as he was to undergo surgery to have the dental prosthesis removed. My dad who has fainted in hospitals many times before was very nervous and fearful that he wouldn’t make it through the surgery. 

The nurse wasn’t assuring. She said this would be a complicated procedure.

Before bed, I did research online. I found that having a foreign object lodged in your windpipe was risky. It would require extreme expertise and caution to have it removed effectively.

My mind went into a whirlwind of fear. I imaged what-if scenarios and even lawsuits.

But then I came across one case online of a seven-year boy that had a tooth lodged in his bronchi. The little boy phenomenally coughed it up before the procedure was scheduled to occur.

I decided to refocus my thoughts on that story and what I wanted to happen for my dad.

This story triggered another story in my mind told by my fitness instructor. Patricia Moreno, the founder of Intensati, had an infection in her arm as a young girl. The night before she was to undergo surgery for an arm amputation, her dad consoled her. He had her imagine an army of soldiers scooping out the infection with picks and shovels and buckets. She felt radiated with love and light as a result of this. When she went in for an operation the next day, the doctor’s told her dad that the infection was no longer there. 

Reading about the seven-year-old boy and remembering Patricia’s story, made me put what I preach into practice – positive affirmations.

I decided to do something similar for my dad. I imagined a powerful force removing the lodged tooth with a magnetic pull. I imagined this force providing a free-flowing air stream, allowing my dad to breathe in life-giving power with ease. I spent 15 minutes in intense visualization. 

Well, the morning after, I received a call from my mom who told me that she got a call from my dad. My dad said he coughed up the tooth this morning.

My mom's exact words to me were, “Don’t believe him! He is speaking out of fear because he doesn’t want to undergo surgery. Call the doctor, make sure he takes an x-ray, and that he doesn't release him!”

Within a ? hour, the doctor confirmed that my dad doesn’t have to undergo the operation. 

At that moment, I knew I had helped make a miracle happen. Positive prayers can create powerful shifts in our lives.

It comes down to two things – choosing faith and love or choosing fear.

In this case, I decided to remove fear and replace it with love to help my dad through this scenario he feared. 

It's an outrageous story to share – but it's relevant because most of what we think and do are either rooted in fear or faith.

What do you choose?

Do you have a story where you're positive presuppositions, prayers, and visualizations have shifted your circumstances and dare I say caused miracles to occur in your life?


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