Visualisation can direct your inner energy

Visualisation can direct your inner energy

Michael Phelps, the world-record holder for Olympic gold medals in swimming, does a visualization routine before each race. He sees himself swimming the perfect race in his mind, and then he does it in real life. He claims that this has been one of the biggest reasons for why he has achieved such amazing results. An interesting thing about the subconscious mind is that it can’t tell what is real and what is imaginary.

I always used to think, “I never have enough time or money to do the things I want to do.” I wanted to stop just getting through life and start really living it. With the power of visualization, I finally realized the capabilities that each of us have in our own mind. I want you to do a little exercise for me. Think about someone who is in a dead-end job. They are barely paying the bills. They haven’t finished their degree, or they’ve finished it, but they aren’t using it.They spend all day thinking about the end of the day when they can go to sleep and forget about their life for 8 hours.

Who is this person? Is it you? Somebody else? Or maybe just a fictional character you made up for the exercise? Now imagine somebody who is working the job of their dreams. They wake up excited to greet the day!They are an executive at the company they work for, or they’ve started their own company. All of us are “made of” energy, in one form or another, just like everything else in the universe. But the use of the description “inner” is probably not as helpful as one might wish.

The idea that there is a demarcation between what we regard as ourselves and what we regard as not ourselves, can be questioned. We find that what is ‘in here’ and what is ‘out there’ does not have a distinct border or boundary as perhaps we thought. And if we think about this just a bit, consider the movement of energy through a human being that eats every day and lives to 80, how many tons of food pass through, and food contains energy (sunlight) which powers our bodies.

Then add in all the sensory impressions that pass through us from birth to death, a relentless conveyor belt of energy, bringing what is ‘out there’ ‘in here’. And of course, we radiate a lot of energy (not just heat, but this gets complicated). So what could your phrase mean, “inner energy”? Some people seem to be more energetic than others. Perhaps it could be said that each body processes more or less energy and a body that appears to process more is said to “have” more energy, but that is just a figure of speech; that body doesn’t “have” more; it is just processing more.

Anyone who denies the body of having an inner energy hasn’t gone to primary school. There are electrical energies at play from both the brain and the heart which are so powerful they can be measured from 100 feet away from the heart, there are magnetic energies which flow along side those electrical energies there are chemical energies constantly exchanging exothermic and endothermic reactions all day long.

What you probably mean though is the “etheric” energies, and yes they exist too. Jeffery is quite on point with his observations of the inside and outside blurring but to elaborate on his question at the bottom, different people have different inner energies in and out of balance, people who seem to have more are simply more efficient at circulating it and storing it and have less blockages which restrict it, both their body and mind is cleaner so to speak.

With the power of visualization, you can create the life you want with the power of your mind. It’s a technique that has been used all throughout history by the greatest and most successful people in all walks of life. Inventors, athletes, billionaires, they all understand how to use this power, and you can too. What Visualization Isn’t? Let’s get something out of the way up front. Visualization is not some sort of magic or voodoo. You don’t have to worry that somebody will pull back the curtain and reveal that it is all a trick.

Visualization is real and scientifically proven. And you can use it to get real results. Visualization is also not wishful thinking. Wishful thinking and daydreaming are like baby versions of visualization. They are only the very beginning and are not enough to create lasting change in your life. What Visualization is actually? Visualization is a scientifically proven method for putting your mind to work on the results you will get in your life. Your brain is constantly making neurological connections (up to 8 million every minute), and those connections are pushing you, and the universe around you, to perform certain actions.

If you gain control of those connections and create the ones you want, you can have more control over the actions and results you create in your life. Visualization gives you this control. Depending on how well you can visualize something, your subconscious will behave as if it is actually happening and will begin working to create that reality in your life. How to use Visualization strongly. To put visualization to good use, you should know what results you are hoping to achieve. Whether you want to get a raise, take a vacation, or move to a bigger house in a better part of town, focus on the results that you want, and then start the visualization process.

Achieve the results you want in your head first. Decide what results you want, and then go ahead and achieve them… in your head. Imagine the moment you are realizing the results.If you are buying that dream car you’ve always wanted, visualize yourself driving up to the dealership and walking in the door. Get as detailed as you can. As many details as you can put into your visualizations, do it. What are you feeling? Who else is around? What are you saying? How are people responding? Are you indoors or outdoors? At home or out on the town? All the little details matter, so include them in your visualization practices. When my grandpa was in the army, he often got assigned to night-watch. As you can imagine, it wasn’t the most active time of day, and most nights were spent without incident, thankfully. Cheers!


