Visual Studio 2022: Smarter IntelliCode and better performance (64-bit)
I have recently tried the VS 2022 preview version and highly impressed with a few options, such as the full line auto-complete.
I created a simple page using .NetFramework 6 (Preview) and found it very fast (devenv.exe is now 64-bit only)
A list of complete feature and release note, Please see details here
In addition to statement completion signature help, IntelliCode also makes argument recommendations to help you choose the right argument quickly.
Provides most suitable suggestion,
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IntelliCode recommendations are based on thousands of open source projects on GitHub each with over 100 stars.
Here are some screen shot while creating simple page for the VS 2022 Preview.
We have the autocomplete option with VS 2019, but we have to do the tab to see the complete snippet. But with VS 2022, we can see even when we do the space and have the option to choose from the best available recommendations.
I'm very excited to see the upcoming features. Here is the list of the future release plan.
Future release plan and feaures are -
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