Visual Problem Solving
Course Overview
Every problem can be better illuminated by describing it with a picture. Gain an introduction to a number of techniques and visual problem solving frameworks that aid in creating visual descriptions of a problem. These techniques are particularly useful in the early stage of problem solving, in helping understand just what the problem is. In addition, this class will discuss how to get data to tell a visual story and aid in creating charts and graphics that accurately reflect your data so that the reader just “gets it.”
Course Objectives:
- Gain an additional set of tools and techniques to help in the problem formulation and solution generation stages of problem solving.
- Discuss and practice visual problem solving methods intended to help visually decompose and capture the various important aspects of any problem.
- Introduction to visual problem solving
- Overview of several visual problem solving frameworks and tools
- Exercises and case studies applying the visual problem solving tools and methods
- Overview of the fundamentals of the display of complex data
- Overview of several open-source software tools to aid In visual problem solving and data display
- Exercises and case studies creating intuitive graphics of complex data
Contact Us
32 Haroun St, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Mobile: +2 01066037775,
+201222741868, +201001937774
Tel/Fax: +202 333 89 016
very interesting course