Visual Inspection and use of photography
We always look forward to the album of marriage photographs and the photographer also takes all the care to capture the right images , he plans every photograph makes sure the angle is correct the focus/lighting everything right to capture and show to the world what was in his mind.
For the Inspector too when on the inspection job should treat it the same care as if he is taking photographs for showing to the world what is his plan and how he captured the right photographs. If the vendor is good then hie photographs will show that this inspection was an activity to assess that whatever components , products offered are “LOOKING GOOD” from outside/inside (specially for pressure vessels etc).
And his general comment post such inspection – visual inspection carried out no defects seen, quality good , satisfactory . But sometimes the moments not as happy as marriage event the vendor ditches on some quality issue and then the Inspector has to plan for capturing the damages or may be some discrepancies etc . as succinctly as the good points captured.
The detail plan of visual inspection ends in a wonderful album of photographs and the client always awaits this album to see show (marriage) inspection activity went !!
Now for planning the photo shoot the following sequence is useful :
1) Total nos of items covered in inspection. Plan carefully the nos of photographs to be taken with plan how each photograph would be labelled.
2) Show the good points , problem points covering may be all items or at least key items
3) If a decision is required on quality problem from client eg item straightaway not rejected but is a borderline case , the photograph quality shall be extremely good (the zoom , the focus , the light and camera quality everything has to be good) for client to understand the problem and take the right decision.
Sometimes photographs are used for creating records like dimension measurement performed , various NDT’s performed etc. All such inspections depend upon the clauses in QAP (Quality Assurance plan) or ITP (Inspection Test Plan) so the Inspector must analyze what is important in QAP/ITP and how he will show that QAP/ITP has been honored apart from the written report , from photographs as well.
Some of the important points of QAP covered by photographs:
1) Dimension check :- Suppose QAP says 10% check what it means If there are 1000 dimensions available on various drgs at least 100 should be checked – is it possible to cover all 100 through photographs or should the Inspector decide that for dimensions I can attach 10 photos max so find out either the most critical or may be most complex measurements and take photographs of these.
Dimension check on say structural project requires the engineer to ensure the correct measurement of steel member, anchor bolt hole, stiffener, cleats etc according to the drawing.
Inspection Zone will be -- All Steel Structure Members.
His inspection findings will be noting the following:
1. Steel Member Length
2. Steel Plate Thickness
3. Anchor Bolt Hole Diameter
4. Anchor Bolt Hole to hole center distance
5. Cleat Measurement
6. Stiffener Measurement
Sometimes the project may consist of hundreds of members so again decide the no of
photographs to show that critical checks are performed , including straightness ,
camber, weld quality etc if applicable in the situation.
2) The inspector will have to decide if the dimensions are to be taken in assembled condition or pre-assembly condition – what he wants to provide as message – which dimension check more critical or both are equally important – a lot of thought process has to go in when you are deciding that the photographs are key to your inspection records.
3) Sometimes the inspector wants to show that in UT test no flaw was detected – so a flat line on the screen is shown , may be similar cases in DP test , MP test , hardness tests , coating thickness test , PMI test etc.
4) Sometimes certain defects like weld missing , blow holes in weld , slag not removed , weld spatter etc can be easily captured in photograph and shall be done so , or if you wish to show good points show welding current , voltage etc OK , right welding electrode used by taking photograph of carton etc.
So please note that photograph is a powerful tool but must be used judiciously not too many , nor too less - the Inspector who has studied the job and planned it will be successful in capturing right no of photographs to substantiate his inspection efforts !! His album will then be eagerly awaited as Marriage album.
Facilities Mechanical Piping Engineer at Chevron
6 年Pictures properly taken by the inspector in his/her witness reports indeed add a level of confidence for the purchasing engineer and a good inspector will definitely include in his report...