Visual Content Branding
Stephanie Wium
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While I know that branding is uber important, especially for someone who create branded visual content for social media, I must confess that I have much to learn still.
Since I have started creating branded visual content, I have branded the following:
- Blog images
- Pinterest pins/infographics
- Testimonials
- Templates
- Social media images
- Banners & headers (social media channels)
- PDF’s for lead magnets, workbooks & worksheets
- Document shares for LinkedIn
These are just some of the things that spring to mind while writing this.
If you, or somebody you know, are in need of branded visual content, connect with me here and let’s get some dialogue going.
Since branding is necessary, I’d like to share with you points of importance – as I have learned the last couple of months:
Brand Messaging
Pardot explains brand messaging as the underlying value proposition conveyed and language used in your content. It’s what makes buyers relate to your brand by inspiring them, persuading them, motivating them, and ultimately making them want to buy your product.
Me simplifying this: it is the message that speaks to your tribe, that will ultimately get the “get-to-know-you” relationship to the buying relationship.
Everything that you put together; your creative message as well as your visual content, creates your brand message.
They go on to suggest that you should look at your brand from 3 different angles:
- The customer angle – what does the customer care about?
- The internal angle – what is the vision of the brand?
- The competitive angle – your brand can only own one message (let’s not confuse ourselves)
Some people see branding as fluffy, touchy-feely & emotional stuff.
Because I concentrate on the visual content side, I deal with the touchy-feely & emotional stuff of branding. And I do agree 100% that visuals are touchy-feely & emotional.
Visual Content
Visual content is primarily image-based.
Glint says that you need to capture your audience’s attention with “strong, eye-catching visuals that scream your message”.
They go on to say that people tend to remember visuals more clearly. This is also something I have spoken about before as well.
The human brain processes visuals in its visual cortex, a less busy and faster part of the brain that’s separate from the busier section that processes words. This is why it’s faster and easier to understand, for instance, cooking instruction through a video rather than text.
I’d much rather watch an instructional video than following by way of text. This little bit of information DEFINITELY resonates with me.
Emotions and visual information are processed in the same part of the human brain. Visual stimuli and emotional response are linked in a simple way and these two together generate our memories.
So, if your tribe remember visual content easier than written content, it leaves me wondering why so few people actually fail to realise the importance of visual branding.
Creative Messaging
Quality Stocks says: creative messaging is at the heart of the marketing communications that are critical to achieving brand positioning.
I love a good tagline because it makes you stand out, but creative messaging (to me), is more than just having a kick-ass tagline.
If your visual content does not convey your brand message, how will your audience get to know you?
Visual content is more than just a logo or a set of colours. Even your header or cover photo pales against this.
Your visual brand makes your tribe FEEL. Remember, a couple of lines up, I mentioned that visuals are emotional.
So, if your creative message (tagline) kicks ass with your visuals, your brand message should come across loud & clear.
When this happens – objective achieved! Now just to get those leads converting into success for you.
Visual Branding
Visual identity (branding) is made up of the visible images associated with your business. These are the elements that guide your tribe to their perceptions of your brand. It is the first touchpoint and it is the first piece of information your tribe processes. THIS establishes credibility & builds trust.
Even if you don’t have a visual style or identity in place (yet), you still have a brand. Embrace Collective says that you begin building your brand the second you start marketing yourself.
Visual branding should be flexible, it should be able to grow with your brand, with your products or your services.
Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, it needs nurturing and being taken care of. Remember how we all used to grow a beanstalk from a simple bean held securely between two pieces of damp cotton wool? I used to proud as punch when my bean sprouted & started growing.
Just like you grow within your own abilities in helping your tribe, encouraging them to grow, so your visual brand will grow as well.
Your visual brand consists of:
- Colours
- Patterns
- Product/service images
- Packaging
- Social media feed
- Website design & images
- Typeface
- Business cards
- Documentation
Visual branding gives you a “finished” look – well put together and professional. It helps your credibility and attracts your tribe.
The biggest thing about visual branding is that it sets you apart from the competition and it makes you visible!
Your brand is a puzzle that fits together perfectly. It allows you to create emotion with your tribe and it helps you build trust. Without emotion, you cannot have trust. And of course, with trust, you are able to expand on your tribe & grow as a brand & business.
For some examples on the visual content, both branded & unbranded I have created, connect with my photos here and an invitation to connect with me on LinkedIn here to receive more of my musings & titbits.
Sign up to my newsletter to receive a download on what the perfect image for social media should include.