Visitors of The Night

I was camped back in a draw, just north of the Canadian River.

Just me, a black horse and an old shepherd dog.? We were riding herd on a bunch of sheep.? I’m telling you; times was hard.? There was snow on the ground and I had my fire banked and blanket pulled round.

Now that shepherd dog wasn’t much on looks, but he helped me keep those sheep found and he was, pretty good company on a cold winter night.? If anything came around, he would give a warning sound.? I was just about dozed off when I heard Shep commence to whine and that black horse started snorting and stomping the ground.? Well, it was just before midnight, but the moon was shining bright and it seemed like there was, an extra bright star that night.? I tried to quiet them critters down, but about that time, some fellow calls out to me, and he say’s; Sir me and my pards are three, can we come in for a spell?? Not wanting to be unfriendly, and it surely was a mighty cold night, I told him to come on in.

Now I’ve got to say, I surely did come awake, for them three was riding camels and it was about all I could do to get Ole Shep and that black horse calmed down.?

Well, I stirred up the fire and made a fresh pot of coffee and told them fellows if they wanted anything more than some of that sheep meat, they would be out of luck.? One of the fellows went to talking.? He sure did have a funny accent, but it seemed like that sheep meat would do just fine.?

After them fellows ate that sheep meat and drank their coffee down; I asked them, where are you fellows bound?? That one who was speaking before; He say’s Sir, Tonight, there be a special baby born and we are following that bright star to show us where.? ??

Now me, I was some puzzled and I told him, I thought that was queer.? Well, he kept on talking and he said they were taking that baby some gifts, money and perfume and such!? He even asked me if I would like to ride along. Well, it sure was lonely up in that draw there just north of the Canadian river, and that Shepherd dog would keep them sheep gathered round.? I saddled that black horse and I figured if what those fellows said was true; I better bring a present too, so I picked up a young lamb and carried him up on the saddle with me.? It seemed like we traveled for about a week, always at night, just following that extra bright star.? Never a human did we meet, until one night we topped this little hill and down below was a little town resting in a valley. Now, that extra bright star seemed to stop right there over a barn just outside of town. Well, them fellows on them camels went to making a fuss and told me to get down.? We walked up to that barn and I’m telling you, that star was bright!? There wasn’t much of a door on that barn and inside we could see a young lady sitting before a feed trough.

Now, I know you think I am crazy, but this story is true, just like I’m telling it to you.? Inside that feed trough was a little baby, all wrapped in toe sacks and such.? Now, those fellows that was riding them camels fell down on their knees and went to singing and praying and I figured it couldn’t hurt so I joined in.? Now after a while, they gave that young lady all those gifts, money and perfume and such.?

Me, I gave just one small lamb.

Now things got to running together after that and when I woke up, the sun was shining and that shepherd dog was whining.? Well, I looked around and me and Shep and that black horse were all alone with that bunch of sheep up in that draw just north of the Canadian river; except there was a bunch of strange tracks scattered round.

And me, I was missing just one small lamb. ?Bo Harden 2021


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