Visitor Spending Tops the Billion Dollar Mark in Forsyth County
Tourism pumped $1.05 billion into local economy in 2023, up 6.9% from 2022.
WINSTON-SALEM, NC — Visitors to Forsyth County spent $1.05 billion in 2023, an increase of 6.9% from 2022. Visitor spending generated $72.6 million in state and local taxes and supported 6,753 jobs.
Forsyth County ranks ninth statewide and, in 1983, was among the first five counties in North Carolina to adopt a special tax on visitor accommodations to invest in promoting the area for tourism.
Stephanie Pace Brown, president of Visit Winston-Salem explains how tourism promotion benefits the local community. “Visit Winston-Salem implements sales and marketing strategies that motivate meetings, groups, sporting events and leisure travelers to choose Forsyth County. These efforts create economic vitality by enhancing the customer base for our local businesses, support jobs, and generate taxes — all for the benefit of the people who live here.”
Tourism impact highlights for 2023:
The data comes from an annual study commissioned by VisitNC, a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina. These statistics come from the “Economic Impact of Travel on North Carolina Counties 2023,” which can be accessed at The study was prepared for VisitNC by Tourism Economics. Statewide, visitor spending in 2023 rose 6.9% to reach a record $35.6 billion. Direct tourism employment increased 4.8% to 227,224.
“The new study underscores the importance of tourism to every county in North Carolina,” said Wit Tuttell, executive director of Visit NC. “There’s a lot of competition for travelers’ time and money, and we owe our success to everything from the state’s scenic beauty and outdoor adventure to our mix of tradition and innovation and our welcoming spirit. Those qualities might be hard to measure, but we can follow the trail to a measurable impact on our workforce, our businesses and our tax base. We look forward to continued success.
NC Tourism Facts: