Visit Neelavara SriKrishnaTemple
Neelavara is 18kms from Udupi SriKrishna temple. Hire a cab (Ramakrishna, cell :09845746855)or auto as bus facilities are less. After a 30mts drive along Udupi to Goa Highway, at Brahmavaram turn right and drive along a road path 1km leading to a forest area, where you can see a beautiful Sri Kalinga mardhana Krishna temple. Surrounding it we have a huge water tank and around it we have 1200 cows. A pleasant and peaceful atmosphere suitable to do meditation.
Pl visit this region.
This is managed by Govardhanagiri Trust , a unit of Sri Pejawara mutt ,Udupi, 576101. (Contact person : S.Chakrapani 09176610406)Godhana, Gosamrakshana, Go puja, Thulabhara and all rituals for Forefathers are arranged at a reasonable expenses. Every Saturday evening Ghee light festival and Sri Ranga pooja are conducted. All Sri Krishna devotees and cow lovers are welcome to enjoy this serene atmosphere.