You have arrived, but the marathon continues. While I am patient with myself, I also hold myself accountable for doing the work. We all know that faith without works ultimately leads to dead dreams. To better myself, I like to shut out the outside world and focus on how I can improve. I don't get caught up in critics or doubters; words of affirmation and faith in God are all I need. I understand that my inner circle is essential because you are the company you keep. If something or someone is not spiritually feeding me or helping me become a better version of myself, it's time to cut ties. Often, we hold onto things that no longer serve us, but complacency leads to disappointment. To find alignment, we must let go and let God handle the rest.
As a visionary, I can see things happen before they come into the physical realm. Everything happens for a reason, and part of growth is accepting that things change and never stay the same. This realization is a relief, letting me know that it is okay to let go. If you want change, you must make changes; start now with the right mindset. When preparing for a big game, athletes do not practice at half speed. Instead, they go all in as if it's game-day. You are preparing for game-day, and it's time to jump.
Some people are afraid of affirmations because outsiders have told them it isn't real. But positive affirmations are essential to our well-being. Fight for what is yours, live in your calling, and surround yourself with positivity and people who will motivate you. Eradicate distractions and complacency. This is your time, and there is no better feeling than being in this moment, within your life. Be great, be courageous, trust God, and as DJ Khaled says, "Don't ever play yourself." Share this message with friends, family, and colleagues. Remember that you are deserving of being the best version of yourself.