The Visionary Challenges: Here's what you aren't
Independent Executives
Giving you more time to do what you love by filling the integrator talent gap.
Dear Visionary,
I am writing to you today to ask you to shift your focus. I don’t ask for much, so please humour me and lean in on this one.
I know that you are great at a lot of things. If you founded the company, then you are probably good at a lot of things that led to you still being in business today. Congratulations.
Now, I can almost guarantee that among that list of things that you are great or good at are several things that you loathe. Every time you do those things you ask yourself “why am I doing this?!”. These were no doubt things that you had to do at some point, or they just didn’t get done. You may not have had the luxury of delegating them to someone.
The energy expenditure required to do these tasks, no matter how simple, is higher than it should be. You grit your teeth and push through the pain barrier.
Well, when I say I’m ‘asking you to shift your focus’ what I want you to do is stop focusing on what you are, or what you are great at, and spend some time looking at what you aren’t.
As a Visionary you aren’t…
… a natural finisher. You are the one to get that flywheel turning.
… detail orientated. You prefer the bullet points, pictures or a video.
… always using logic to guide you. You leverage emotion and your ‘gut’.
… comfortable sitting still. You like to be moving, progressing and growing.
… in control. You are ok with a bit of chaos in your life.
… always predictable. You follow your instincts and intuition.
… great with process. You sometimes feel they get in the way of your creativity.
Ok, that’s enough.
I hope I am not generalising too much here; I am confident that some of this will have hit the spot. That’s ok, in fact it is better than “ok”. If you have this level of self-awareness you are one step closer to finding your rocket fuel. As Socrates is quoted as saying “to know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”
What you need is an Integrator in your life. There are wonderful humans out there who are converse of this. Maybe you have already found them, congratulations once again.
If you haven’t quite found your rocket fuel, take comfort in knowing that it is possible. We can help.
Dan Williams
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