Vision Statement of a Business

Vision Statement of a Business

Vision Statement of a Business

What is a Vision Statement of a Business?

A vision statement is a formal declaration of an organization’s future goals. It puts forward a basic, pure future scenario. Stating what the organization wants to become and what it wants to accomplish. It is intended to guide decision-making within the business.

Vision statements outline long-term goals over a long-term time frame. They look toward the future and bring guiding purpose to business activities. Above all else, a vision statement is an internal tool. It does this in one or two sentences. Once delivered, they are seldom revised in any significant way. Generally speaking, the ideas contained within should hold up over the next 5-10 years.

In addition, your vision statement must be compelling, detailed, and reflective of the intended end outcome. Avoid one that is bland, generic, uninspiring, or unreasonable. An example of a good vision statement is that of,


“Our vision is to be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”


“To create a better every-day life for many people.”

What is the purpose of a vision statement?

Vision statements are intended to motivate and inspire.

They communicate what the company values, and what the company wants. Its core competencies. How it intends to help people and serve society. It’s like a bite-size manifesto. An easy-to-digest philosophical statement. It shows where the company’s energies will be directed in the future.

A vision statement communicates your company culture. It’s an internal strategic tool for business development. It’s broad with unified messaging.

Vision statements can move employees to action. And they can stir consumers of a brand to join the company. Or at least participate in activities it’s involved with, like philanthropy initiatives or public events.

They encourage long-term engagement. They can alter and influence public and investor perception of a brand. And they can also make employees, and the public, more forgiving of organizational mis-steps on the path to a greater vision.

What makes an effective vision statement?

All too often, vision statements become a checklist of cliches. Filled with buzz words, lacking any distinguishing color or character. A quick Google search will find a trove of examples of vision statements like this. They’re a dime a dozen.

Alternatively, a good vision statement puts forward an inspiring vision.

It makes employees want to buy-in to the values and intentions of their employer. It signals a customer-centric company fixated on delivering high-quality customer experience. And/or the best product or service.

The perfect statement nails the essence of company core values. It articulates a company’s vision in a way how its leadership wants it to be viewed.

How to write a vision statement?

As you begin working on your vision statement, here’s a few major points to consider:

1.?????Start by considering your company’s purpose and its position in the market. You may even want to work out a business plan first. This helps you anchor your vision in company operations and your future road map.

2.?????Ask yourself what your business does. How does it help people get what they want or need? What is it you’re really, truly trying to achieve?

3.?????Think about what makes your company special. It’s crucial to have a unique value proposition. Other wise your vision statement can end up sounding generic.

4.?????You don’t need to say how you’ll get to your vision. There isn’t space for hashing out logistics and plans in a vision statement. You just want to outline the ultimate goal you’re striving for.

5.?????Make sure to use concrete language. Don’t get too abstract and don’t use buzz words. Rein in your lofty goals a bit, so they are contextualized by industry.

6.?????That said, the language you use should be simple. Your statement should be easily understood by a general audience. So definitely don’t use industry jargon.

7.?????Think about general human and real-world concerns. Try to root your statement in the everyday, so readers can form a concrete mental image of your vision. This association can create a solid emotional bond.

8.?????Make sure your company values are accounted for. Your vision statement should match perfectly with the values of your organization. If there’s any discrepancy, you will want to rework your text.

Some guidelines on how and where to start:

1.?Sit down in a quiet spot and reflect upon your thoughts

Ask yourself what drives you forward? What keeps you motivated?

2.?Ask yourself how best you can serve your customers

What will your business stand for in the heart of your customers? What will be the ultimate benefit your customers can derive from your business?

Good Luck, Let’s get started.

Reference of the sources of the article:

A Guide to Writing a Great Vision Statement (With Examples) |

Business Plan Mission and Vision Statement [Sample Template for 2022] (


