Vision by STAKEHOLDER, not by Power Holder
Georgia M. Reash
Author, Consultant and Trainer, Sustainable Community Developer, Trauma Healing Artist-Poet
The article below from Philanthropy News Digest (6/27/19) reflects some long overdue priorities in community planning and economic development; namely, that the value of a sustainable revitalization strategy begins with listening to the people. It is encouraging to see the Foundation world advocate for an engaged citizens process to ensure 'neighborhoods BY the people' in the Opportunity Zones.
Having managed listening, action and solution-finding efforts with both residents and coalitions, there is no doubt that "listening" is essential to creating viable and sustainable strategy for ANY community. It is the first step in developing co-creative leadership and teams and builds trust. But all too often, community connection efforts start bold and end stalled in the hands of those with the power and cash flow. Or, worst yet, sit on the dusty shelves of well-funded round tables and highly paid consultants; never referenced again even for historical context.
Listening, however, is the asset catalyst; the driver to change; the ORGANIC CHARISMA-MAKER that ensures strategies with value and sustainable goals. Integrating equity and accountability in the listening process (before, during and after) must also be priority to ensure the entire ecosystem of stakeholders is heard and honored. More importantly, listening is relational and thus implies it is an ongoing experience that will ensure the co-creative culture survives.
Here's hoping the voice of the people can truly be heard as we forge new solutions to neighborhoods in need.
Foundation Leaders Call for Engaging Residents in Opportunity Zones
The Presidents' Council on Impact Investing, which includes twenty foundation leaders, is calling for greater involvement of local residents in the deployment of investments in Opportunity Zones.
Established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Opportunity Zones are an economic development tool created with the aim of incentivizing the investment of private capital to address unmet needs in low-income communities; in return for their investment capital, private investors receive various tax benefits. In a letter, the foundation presidents warn that absent a guarantee that capital will flow to the neighborhoods or projects most likely to benefit those who work and live there, many Opportunity Zones will lose out, even as those in gentrifying parts of New York City and Washington, D.C., continue to draw the lion's share of development capital while leaving longtime residents vulnerable to displacement.
"We know that there is tremendous potential if we invest in the human and social capital that already exists inside these communities," the letter states. "And we also know that success will require clear opportunities for community engagement to ensure local context and priorities are front-and-center in every Opportunity Zone. Indeed, success hinges on the extent to which Opportunity Zones enable current residents to engage and equitably participate in defining how new investments ultimately reshape and strengthen the physical, social, and economic fabric of their communities."
To ensure that Opportunity Zone residents are equitably involved in the effort, the foundation presidents call on policy makers at the federal, state, and local levels to leverage incentives and regulations in order to protect the voices and advance the priorities of residents; on investors and fund managers to promote authentic community engagement in order to determine investment priorities, respond to residents' needs, and shape a shared vision for equitable development; and on impact investors and grantmakers to stand committed to collectively championing residents' voices and holding market actors accountable for the outcomes of their investments.
Convened by the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance, the council's members include the leaders of the Annie E. Casey, Case, Packard, Ford, Heron, MacArthur, Kresge, Lumina, McKnight, Nathan Cummings, Open Society, Rockefeller, Sorenson Impact, Surdna, and W.K. Kellogg foundations; the Meyer Memorial Trust; and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
"As the rest of the country has enjoyed a decade of robust economic growth following the financial crisis, these distressed communities have slipped further and further behind," the foundation presidents write. "Bridging that growing divide and fulfilling the promise of Opportunity Zones for the people living and working inside them today must be the subject of our shared focus and drive."
"Government and Investors Seek to Lift Opportunity Zones, but Communities Will Define Success." U.S. Impact Investing Alliance Presidents' Council on Impact Investing Letter 06/25/2019.
DEVELOPER / AUTHOR at TLM / USC DESIGN ?1995[mty] - Since 1995 #marktyoung
5 年Georgia, so so critical to those who have been left behind for too too long... the homeless, so many families and others homeless simply because they had personal circumstances that ripped the little foundation out from under them they had to sustain their often meager living circumstances through no fault of their own... these are good people, motivated, frustrated, often hopeless, just no real opportunities for them to restart... so many people simply aren't aware of folks with issues like this; and then there's the old pull up by your own bootstraps ignorant, when most would try if they even had any... we've got to get this org going... blessings, M HEALTHCARE #managedcare #healthcare #cvs #chronicillness #healthliteracy #healthequity #communityhealth #communitywellbeing #health #wellbeing #compassionatecare HUMANITY #spirituality #respect #humanresonance #humanresponse #essenceofhumanity #unity #selfcare #wisdom #hope #truth #help #bethechange #wellness #soul #peace #life STIGMA #liftthemask #removethestigma #digdeeper #beawaredepression #indset MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY #mentalhealthadvocacy #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthresearch #mentalhealthwellbeing #NAMI #DBSA #peertopeer #Keeptalking #raiseawareness #society #societyandculture #mentalhealthawareness #suicideawareness #letstalksuicide #mentalhealthawareness #compationatecare #breakthestigma #ChangeMentalHealth JUSTICE #legaljustice #truejustice #criminaljustice #just #justice ADVOCATES #socialservices #housingassociations #policeofficers #supportworkers #probation #familylaw #childrenandfamilies #breakthestigma #fundraising #breakpointuk #primeevolution #transgender #cyberbullying #familylaw #criminaljustice #childrenandfamilies #supportworks #breakthestigma #keeptalking #raiseawareness #housingassociations EMPATHY #empathy #compassion #empathetic #sympathy #happiness #sympathy #pity #sorrow #grief #anger #frustration #love #passion #happiness #compassion #compassionate #empathyisasempathydoes #mindfulness #compassionate #empatheticlyspeaking #understanding #inspiration #awareness #motivation #selflove #positivity #humanity #loveyourself #art #faith #sensitive KINDNESS / HAPPINESS #happinessisashappinesshappens
Founder, CEO at Kenaf Partners USA
5 年I have listened and this is my response -?
Founder, CEO at Kenaf Partners USA
5 年Yes listening is important and a part of what to listen to are the answers to lots of questions. Questions asked with curiosity and interest in the other person(s) about their real concerns. It is the only way to get to the bottom of local issues where the locals buy into participating in a way that makes sense to them.