A Vision for Release
Today's Vision comes in from Carol Peacock who is one of our favorite contributors. Carol always comes from the heart, just the way we like it! Thanks so much, Carol, and keep them coming . . . We envision a time of release of past pain, actions we regret, and thoughts that inhibit our progress. ?Now that we know without a doubt that our thoughts create the present we no longer have a need to carry the woes of the past with us. ?Because we know that our actions were perfect for the time and brought us to where we are now it is not necessary to feel regret. ? We find that in the past we felt that loss was painful but in the present moment we know that everything happens perfectly according to the contracts and plans of the each individual. ?Now we are able to release this pain and honor the perfection of each past moment. ?We feel joy for the learning experiences and the progression of consciousness that each of these actions, painful losses, and regrets have brought to each and every one of us. ? Our gift for this release is the awareness that the space we have freed up within ourselves is available to use for our visions of life unfolding that reflect the highest good for all mankind. ?As we take action on these visions we find ourselves living within a New Earth that knows no pain, that feels no regret, that is not inhibited by negative thought or action. ?Now we live in gratitude for each moment we have experienced knowing that that is what has delivered us to the present. ? We now see the present through the eyes of God, honoring our choices, gently moving through a life based on loving kindness, and feeling the joy of each learning experience with knowledge that each experience IS a learning experience. ?We now feel trust for our fellow man because we know that we are all acting in the highest good for the whole. Our hearts are filled with gladness, our minds are filled with loving positive thoughts, our bodies react in perfect health, our eyes see each and every person in their highest light. ?Our regrets are replaced with eternal joy. ?We are full of love and light and bask in the bliss of Oneness. This is our intent and it is grounded in the highest good for all. ?And so it is