A Vision for Prayer
Today's thoughtful Vision comes from author, Wilma Bennett and she says: "Thank you again for the positive intentions you bring to my life every day. I really appreciate the work you do on this. Here is a little background on how I came up with the following Vision for Prayer: As you know from my book Vibrations, every day I use a positive word of the day. I think about the word and what it means in my life and try to use it often. Today the word is "Grace". When I asked myself how I can have more grace in my life, I realized that the word grace also means prayer. That led to the realization incorporated in the vision below. I hope you like it" We envision a world in which everyone realizes that whatever they put out to others draws the same back into their own life. Since prayers draw what we want into our lives and the lives of those around us, we now understand that everything we do is a prayer. Everything we think is a prayer. Everything we say is a prayer. When we clean we are praying more cleanliness into our lives and the lives of those around us. When we watch horror movies we are praying more horror into our lives and the lives of others on this planet. When we smile we are praying more smiles into our lives and into the universe. Therefore, we envision a world in which everyone consciously chooses through their thoughts, words, and deeds only the finest of prayers for this planet. We truly live lives of prayer. Love and Light, Wilma Bennett Author of Vibrations - available at www.intenders.com