Vision-loss, the predictable risk in DSE Operators "Carrying-on Regardless" of self-harming over-exposed to standard non-compliant unmitigated DSE
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
Hi everyone,
Q. "I just got diagnosed with CI after being prescribed glasses for the last 10 years that never worked. My symptoms have been eye strain and the feeling of nausea and motion sickness when I use screens. I was wondering, has anyone had success with just using the at home exercise program given my an optometrist without doing the in office therapy? The in office therapy they’ve prescribed will cost minimum $3000 AUD and I’m wondering if people have had any success without it."
A. Oh dear, someone is having a Giraffe as, the symptoms you describe are indeed related to over-exposure to the near or close-up indoors exacerbated by sub-optimally calibrated display screen equipment, 3D vision stress, Computer Vision Syndrome or Screen Fatigue predictably presenting in early onset, eye-strain, 3D vision loss or convergence deficits, lazy-eye / eye-turns, accommodation fatigue, causing blurred or worse double vision, CI, photophobia, eye and headaches, dizziness, migraine aura, nausea resulting in vision suppression myopic & asthenopic disease. All scaled in the 2016 WHO ICD-10
58% of DSE operators report eye-strain using inaccessible basic standard, out of the box, back-lit bright white background to text, effectively non-compliant with occupational health legislation going back to the 1998 PUWER Act (Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations) let alone the WCAG 2.1 Website Colour Contrast Validation and ISO 30071.1 "DSE Colour Contrast Calibration mitigating vision-stress or eye-strain" in addition to, significant gains in Accessibility or reading rates of text on-screen.