A Vision for the Lion and the Lamb
Today's Vision comes from Beverley Tisdell and it speaks, so eloquently, for so many of us. Thank you, Beverley! She says, "Since I was a child I always hoped for the day when the lion would lie down next to the lamb so naturally that's the first thing that comes to mind when I visualize our new world:" We see a world where: The lion lies down with the lamb; There are no parasites or predators of any kind; We communicate easily with all creatures and creation; The varying climates are always comfortable for all, The homeless and others may have whatever kind of home, wherever they choose; There are no debts or creditors; Land is not owned but shared cooperatively; Talent is recognized, nurtured and flourishes; We follow our natural curiosity to learn and accomplish whatever interests us; All families, on and off planet, are reunited; We travel wherever we want without tickets, baggage or passports; Political boundaries disappear and regions are defined by their culture. Thanks for all you do, Beverley Tisdell