Vision: Learning Journey of Two Young Kids in a Remote Village
Guy Huntington
Trailblazing Human and Entity Identity & Learning Visionary - Created a new legal identity architecture for humans/ AI systems/bots and leveraged this to create a new learning architecture
Vision Story
Sheena and Rohit are two four-year old’s living in a remote village which doesn’t have electricity or internet connectivity.?There is a one room schoolhouse in the village.?
One day some learning aid people appear to talk with the village elders.?They study the area and propose bringing on some technology which will give the village a renewable source of electricity and internet connectivity.?The elders agree.?A few months later, the village now has electricity and internet access.?
A remote learning specialist then appears.?They bring with them a physical bot which is used for learning assessment. Both Sheena and Rohit work with the bot and the learning specialist.?
The bot takes in all sorts of different information, assessing their eyesight, sound, smell, hand-eye coordination abilities, their ability to communicate with others, ability to learn, eye blinks per second, where they look, etc.?For each child, the bot then produces a DLT (Digital Learning Twin), as well as an IEP (Individualized Education Plan).
The bot and the learning specialist realize:
Thus, they create very different IEP’s for each child.?
The learning specialist brings with them a learning assistant bot.?This is a physical bot able to work with kids of various learning styles and abilities.?They also bring in some AI/AR/VR plus laptop technology.?Both the bot and the tech have been specially designed for remote locations.
In the early days, there’s only one learning assistant bot per village, and a limited number of AI/AR/VR and laptop tech.?So, the teacher is taught how to use the learning assistant bot and the tech by the learning specialist, as well as other learning specialists online, using the AI/AR/VR environment.?
Sheena, at age four, is given a few hours a week, individualized learning, leveraging the laptop and AI/AR/VR environments allowing her mathematical abilities to flourish.?
The DLT/IEP realize Rohit learns best by physically doing things.?Thus, Rohit is also given specialized learning, leveraging a few hours a week with the learning assistant as well as the AI/AR/VR environments. Rohit can physically/digitally do things in this environment.?
In the AI/AR/VR environments they’re introduced to Sally Goodteacher, a remote learning teacher located somewhere else on the planet.?She’s assisted in the environment by PattyBot and BobBot, two virtual teaching assistants.?
One day, some criminals with guns appear in the village, taking all the tech.?They want to use it themselves.?However, when they go to their base, they find out the tech doesn’t work. It’s tied to the physical location of the remote school as well as to each learner.?
A few months later, the same criminals return to the village which now has a replacement set of technology.?They dump the tech in the village outhouse.?Once the criminals leave, the villagers take the tech out of the urine and shit, clean it up, and it works!?The tech has been designed for just this disaster scenario.
As the years pass, Sheena can do university level maths while still in primary/secondary age groups. She goes on to attending university, initially from the village, and then physically going to it.??She’s also made a friend with one of the online students in the AI/AR/VR environments, Eve.?They become lifelong friends.
Rohit has learnt he likes growing things.?The DLT/IEP, plus the learning specialist and his physical teacher in the village, work with Rohit to learn biology, agriculture, genetics, applying this to growing things.?With global warming affecting their local crops. Rohit becomes a leader in the village with respect to selecting genetically modified crops able to withstand the increase in temperature and different growing seasons.
As the price points drop for the technology used in the village, more learning assistant bot and AI/AR/VR tech appears.?Adults too can now have a learning assessment done on them.?Rohit’s mother, Aanya, wants to go back to school to learn. She does so leveraging the same learning infrastructure her son used.?Over time, she becomes an engineer.?
It’s transformational, over time, not overnight.?The village plugs into the global learning revolution.?It changes their economy, how they live, and their view of the planet on which they live.?They’re not left behind.
To Learn More
Skim this paper which contains diagrams, discussion about the challenges in implementing this, etc.
About Guy Huntington
I'm an identity trailblazing problem solver. My past clients include Boeing, Capital One and the Government of Alberta's Digital Citizen Identity & Authentication project. Many of my past projects were leading edge at the time in the identity/security space. I've spent the last eight years working my way through creating a new legal identity architecture and leveraging this to then rethink learning.
I've also done a lot in education as a volunteer over my lifetime.?This included chairing my school district's technology committee in the 90's - which resulted in wiring most of the schools with optic fiber, behind building a technology leveraged school, and past president of Skills Canada BC and Skills Canada.
I do short term consulting for Boards, C-suites and Governments, assisting them in readying themselves for the arrival of AI systems, bots and AI leveraged, smart digital identities of humans.
I've written LOTS about the change coming. Skim the?over 100 LinkedIn articles?I've written,?or my webpage?with lots of papers.
Quotes I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!:
Reference Links:
An Identity Day in The Life:
My Message To Government & Industry Leaders:
National Security:
Rethinking Legal Identity, Credentials & Learning:
Learning Vision:
AI Agents:
AI/Human Legal Identity/Learning Cost References
AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities of Humans:
Companies, C-Suites and Boards:
Legal Identity & TODA:
Enterprise Articles:
Rethinking Enterprise Architecture In The Age of AI:
LLC's & AI:
Challenges With AI:
New Security Model:
Legal Identity:
Identity, Death, Laws & Processes:
Open Source:
Climate Change, Migration & Legal Identity:
Behavioral Marketing:
AI Systems and Bots:
Contract Law:
AI/AR/VR Metaverse Type Environments:
EMP/HEMP Data Centre Protection:
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of Legal Human Identity
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of The Learning Vision: