Vision & Journey

Vision & Journey

Back in December of 2023, I shared that my Faith Journey is tough.? I’ve looked back and feel good about the progress God has allowed me to make.? I am a better self than I was. I have a ways to go on this journey.

I’ve shared that pride is what gets me in trouble.? Pride pushed me to continue to look for jobs where the door clearly shut in my face.? Pride pushed me to not consider what my wife was nudging me to do. Pride prevented me from looking at options and only focusing on what I know.? Allow faith in.? Amazing what can happen.

Through my mom’s journey I learned it is not about each of us on the journey. Sometimes, like Peter or Judas, we play roles.? Through those roles we grow and change. Faith is tested. Then we discover what faith can really do.? It is not easy.? Faith doesn’t mean life is a piece of cake. In fact, life gets harder.

The reality is that for six months I was unemployed.? First, as a male, not generally a role we like as we are not providing.? For me, it equals disappointment and shame.? High expectations and pride.? NOT good things to have.? I continued to be teased by opportunities only to be ghosted (we are funny people with funny words) or not notified until I inquired, despite being a ‘finalist’ several times.? Pride gnawed at me. Pride made me continue to push…the wrong direction.

Faith came and smacked me.? A vision came.? Within two weeks of the vision, we were up and running, had our first customer and knee deep in weeds.?? I believe God works at His own time frame.? I cannot tell you how frustrating that was to follow. Patience is not a gift I ever developed. I’m a control freak.? Though I believe I have done well in giving up some of that control.? Being blessed with many good people that I’ve learned to trust, made it easier.?

God has a plan. BUT your plan and His have to align for things to work. The Degania Dam that allowed the river Jordan to be crossed is a great starting point!? Before people could cross, this dam had to be in place years before.? Timing matters. The fact that a plan was in place far before this crossing. For those who doubt and look to science, I just wish you would enjoy the possibility.?

I am mowing my mom’s yard on a Friday.? While in the midst of mowing a vision came, clear, with purpose.? The name of the company. The zip codes to focus on. The act of donating 10% to one of three Non-Profits.? The fact that I was to partner with my son, knowing we both have allergies, yet the company is mowing. This particular Friday will only present itself once a year. This particular Friday was the anniversary of my mom’s/Evan’s Gram’s death.? Another cool alignment, her death was on the same date of her Baptism.? WOW.? I get chills.

That Monday, the business plan was put together.? The name was available via Sec. of State, and County for the DBA.? ER Mowing (Evan and Rick or down the road just Evan Rude) was born.? Web sites built.? Bank accounts opened.? First customer obtained and serviced.? Faith gave birth to this idea. Faith is the main factor in this process along with ensuring underserved or under privileged are donated to.?

While I don’t know the end of the story, I am excited by the thought.? My faith journey is still ongoing as it should be.? I love learning and applying the stories and characters I’m learning.?

Griding is real.? Also, it is real fun. I’m not here telling you there is a miraculous dream come true.? Never did I envision where I am today being where I am.? At the age of Twelve, I wanted to be a social worker, helping youth; money was never the main factor.? I wish to serve.? I wish to be a better version of myself.?? For those out there making millions, or hundreds of thousands…GREAT.? If I ever get to that point GREAT, BUT ONLY IF I remember to thank God.? He is doing this.? He is the reason. He is the vision.? My hands, which means imperfection.? I’ve never felt better mentally or physically.? He had to work on those things for me so this vision could be shared.?

Again, if you are currently working and happy, be thankful.? If working, and unhappy, then be thankful. Perhaps, turn it around and decide to grow where planted.? If not working and looking, be true to you.? Love every day.? Remember what is important. Focus on what you can do.? Keep your options open.? Without my family I would not be able to do this journey. My wife, daughter, son, sister, brother and others. My mom is on this journey with me.? I feel it.

Sometimes I am tired and weary, but faith is still going (sounds like a Yoda session).? I understand ‘crazy faith’. I’m enjoying the journey and so thankful for the opportunity to share our story and His story.? Working on being better.?




