Vision India 2047: Few Grassroots Raw Thoughts & Ideas
Vision India @2047 Making $ 100 Trillion economy possible: Ideas for realising the potential of 1 billion atomic Indians
This seems impossible or unrealistic for us to make such kind of assumption, speculation, forecast or anything which you may call, that Indian economy which is around to reach even the $3 trillion figure now, may go to the level of $100 trillion within next 25 years. It is really like that only, for me too. But it is the potential which really exists in the Indian economy.
The dream of making it the Golden Bird of the world again, by the century of India’s Tryst with Destiny at the time of her independence in 1947, is inevitable.
You may be able to see or observe it or not at this point of time of not.
The various reports being produced so far by various think tanks of the country and beyond, are able to make assumptions for Indian economy to reach somewhere between $20-30 trillion only.
Even these figures seems to be ambitious at this point of time, but gradually, day by day, opinion of people across the globe is changing that these figures looks realistic and we may even beyond that too.
But making an assumption of $100 trillion economy just within the Amritkaal period (2022-2047) is very unrealistic and a utopian idea.
I completely agree with you for that as of now, if I follow the thought process as prescribed by the prevailing economic developmental models in this global world, based on the experience of the so called developed countries of the world.
But human beings are free to think critically, laterally and horizontally based of their knowledge, skills, aptitude, attitude and inclination for fostering the welfare and betterment of the not just the human society but the entire biosphere and the universe at large, for ensuring its sustainability.
This is the way the human society has evolved from ages and controlling all other creatures on the planet.
Although, the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the humanity on earth under the umbrella of the United Nations Organisation (UNO), do prescribe this kind of framework, but people do not have much patience to wait, watch, observe, review and recalibrate their strategies and action plans and their implications on the planet and its long term survival.
Because it does not fit the economic and financial principles they actually follow to ensure their own survival in this so called VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguos) world. Therefore, even the well-known global business leaders and statesmen, do nicely use the phrases, like ‘green’, ‘ESG framework (Environmental, Social, Governance)’, ‘sustainability’, ‘recycle’, ‘carbon foot print’, etc., but their appetite to show their growth in top line, bottom line, market share, share price, etc. do not permit them to pause and think regarding the great phrases they use for sustainability of the planet.
We are sitting on the top of the iceberg, at the ‘cusp’ of the indian economy. Let’s dive deeper and understand the informal economy and how it is run. How we can formalise it, in hassle free manner. How we can integrate the small and unorganised supply chains of the agriculture sector, the unorganised MSME sector and the services of the rural economy and the slum economy of the nation and the world at large. We need to make proper planning, that is not possible by sitting just in AC chambers, some amount of gig work is required to take the pain and make the sweat come out of our body to really understand the economic and management systems of the informal economy. People are striving hard to earn their incomes and wages on daily basis, in uncertain and unsecured manner. Bu they do have their dreams for better future of their own and their family and children and coming generations.
The cost accounting principles which we do follow do not account for the amount and intensity of the sweat coming out of these people to make their survival.
This is totally unjustified cost accounting to pay them, just a meagre amount. Can we make their working conditions better, provide them some more comfortable ergonomic tools to make their productive capacity to get best results and removing the unnecessary drudgery of the work. Can we provide some more skills and learning as per their requirement to bring breakthrough innovations to improve their productivity and enabling them to earn more within the working hours being deployed by them without removing them by machines. Let’s train them to operate these machine.
Let the machine do the mundane tasks and get more involvement of the worker. He will feel thrilled. He will feel less alienated. He will feel more loyal towards the employer.
The organisation system design should make it possible to come out with such humanly behaviour so that the person working now, get better skills and aptitude over a period of next 3-5-10 years and feel secured and promoted in your working environment. Such kind of productivity improvement reengineering can really bring breakthrough results at the ground level, making your organisation, more thrilled and elevated in the industry and market ecosystem, in which you are operating.
The best/ worst lethal weapons human being has developed are atomic ones. They just focus on igniting the smallest unit of the particle/ matter of the world. They don’t go huge volume/ mass of the material. You just need the idle neutrons to ignite those atomic energy to create most destructive outcomes, which if calibrated can provide you the atomic energy in green manner to enlighten the economy and households at large.
So let’s focus on the very atom of the human society itself. The individual human being him/ herself. Ignite him to his/ her fullest potential. The human being is the best creation of the God, everyone knows it, for themselves only.
We make huge investments on ourselves and our family and children, even before they come out of the holy womb of the great mothers of the nation, and make many plans and arrangements, accordingly.
Everyone, do his/ her best for the same. But, roughly around 1 billion people of this great nation, still find it very hard to do the same for themselves.
They are also human beings. They also have the cognitive, attitudinal, physical, mental and spiritual capabilities, which could be made to get ignited like the atomic energy and make him to come out with his/ her best version in his/ her life cycle itself.
We just need the proper ecosystem at the local level. Integrated approach is required. All the stakeholders need to work together as a team in collaborative and cooperative manner so as to ensure that every atomic human being evolved with his best version in every phase of his/ her life cycle.
The fragmented approach to provide health, hygiene, education, skills, etc. without any handholding support in empathetic and mindful manner, from the stakeholders involved, can’t give you better results.
Poor people are more resilient than the so called rich and highly educated, they do have much more stamina and energy to tolerate their hunger, poverty, unemployment and joblessness, because, irrespective of all these factors, still they survive and don’t manifest suicidal tendencies. Let’s capitalise on it.
Anyway, the world if now focused more on building RESILIENCE of the financial system, economy and the supply chains. The business organisations can do it by learning from the poor people surrounding their islands of prosperity.
They need to engage with these people in positive and empathetic manner. Poor do not need your sympathy. They need to be treated like equal human beings and seek to become partner in your dream for better future of a prosperity.
They will contribute themselves, in their best possible manner. But, as a partner in your endeavour, they need to be given due friendly attention and constructive feedback and input so that they can make their today better than yesterday and their tomorrow better than today.
In whatever way possible, they are not going to snatch anything from you, if they become better, but they in return give you more happiness and input for further innovations to improve the organisation morale and improved productivity and hence better top line and bottom line results.
Taking care of the 1 billion people if not just the responsibility of the government and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Philanthropy initiatives by the super-rich people.
We as individual upper middle class or salaried people can also make it happen to make them better at every touch point which we do have in various capacities in our day to day lives, irrespective of the making any monetary out of pocket expenditure for the same.
So, the atomic energy of every human being in this nation and across the globe, need to be ignited, then the figures do not matter, because we will have breakthrough results, in sustainable and satisfying manner.