A Vision for Honest Public Relations
We see a world where the companies who design our marketing and advertising programs are 100% honest and ethical in what they do. We see them, instead of stretching the truth or disregarding it altogether, having placed themselves in the positions of those whose attention they are trying to get, and now they do so with the utmost of responsibility and integrity. Accordingly, all subliminal advertising, deceptive marketing, political spinning, and mind-numbing, repetitive, attention-getting techniques have gone by the wayside and been replaced by a true respect on the part of the PR people for the customers who buy their products and services. In a complete turnabout, our public relations companies have now become a model for all other businesses to follow. And we, the people, have a renewed confidence that what they are telling us is true. We can count on them because they have learned that it is best for everyone - both them and us alike - when the highest standards of truth and honesty are adhered to.