A Vision for Healing and the Internet
The following Vision is inspired by and dedicated to the members of our Intenders of the Highest Good Facebook Founders Circle - an amazing group of pioneers who are helping people everyday on the Internet. Thank You, Founders Circle! We picture a world where communities, groups and circles are suddenly popping up all over the Internet for the purpose of helping and healing others; where we have realized that people are calling out for help via the web, and that we can come together in great numbers and hold the light for them while they are temporarily unable to hold it for themselves; and where we are seeing them in their Highest Light, already healed, relieved, happy, healthy and living normal, productive lives. We've learned that we don't need to go anywhere in particular or be together in one place for healings to occur. We can simply love, intend, pray and hold the light for others from the quiet surroundings of our own home, and know that others are doing the same thing. As a result, countless lightworkers are having a huge impact on the lives of others now because of the Internet. In fact, we are using it more for serving our fellowmen and women than for selling or marketing things. All of a sudden, it has become a blessed force used, consciously and continually, as a vehicle for bringing peace and comfort to our friends around the world.