A Vision for Equality in Medicine
A Vision for Equality in Medicine
Today's Vision was sent in by Josette Kool and she clearly speaks from her experiences with many different healing modalities. Thank You, Josette, for this wonderful Vision. We are honored to share it with our readers.
Dear Friends,
I have a vision for equality in medicine, whether allopathic, Shamanism, holistic health, or a belief in a Higher Power; where, no matter what a person's age, religious belief, gender, or prior background, there are no standards for who qualifies for basic healing; where traditional healthcare has no boundaries, and traditional insurance is no longer needed: only the healing of the patient and the individuals that experience being uncomfortable in their skin [are honored].
I see a world where a healer, (whether allopathic, shamanistic, or naturopathic) offers what the person believes will heal them, rather than the knowledge the healer has obtained from getting a degree or certification. In my vision, I see people working, cooperatively together, to design a world in which one's knowledge and understanding, (albeit from a University, medical, a type of "certification", Shamanic, energetic, or some other type of healing, like EFT or TAPAS method) helps to heal and improve the health of a person [because now we realize that] people are attracted to the vibration of the person administering the "treatment".
There are so many situations in which traditional, allopathic medicine can provide a substitute or alleviation of pain, but I believe that these individuals know that there is a higher holistic approach for the betterment of the human condition that could help alleviate the condition, without traditional, allopathic "side effects ".
My prayer and intention is that both allopathic and holistic healthcare are working together to provide healing to any person seeking relief from their condition.