Vision and Boards

Vision and Boards

Law of attraction or hard work? As an entrepreneurship student, the similarities between a vision board and a board of directors outlining the desired future become clear. Whether you prefer to accept the “woo-woo” explanations of cosmic forces aligning or you’d rather approach goal-setting through a logical approach, having a clear vision and strategically executing upon it will bring benefits to yourself, a team, or an entire organization.

Vision Boards

The masterpiece is the vision, the components are the missions and values

Vision boards are utilized by people who believe in their powers to bring desired life outcomes. Simply put, a vision board is a collage of words, images, and colors symbolizing components you would like to have more, consistently. Commonly, these images are of an extravagant lifestyle: luxury cars, mansions, feasts, and piles of cash.

The board, as a whole, is the vision. The glued-on images compile as missions, each achieved individually while contributing to the whole. Values can be found as glued-on words. There have been testimonials of this tactic working to leverage the law of attraction, so more people continue to try it out (myself included).

According to Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret, “The reason visualization is so powerful is because as you create pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now. Visualization is simply powerfully focused thought in pictures, and it causes equally powerful feelings. When you are visualizing, you are emitting that powerful frequency out into the Universe. The law of attraction will take hold of that powerful signal and return those pictures to you, just as you saw them in your mind.” (P.81) Her book is focused on the Law of Attraction (Oops, I shared ‘The Secret’)!??

There may be science to back the law of attraction, so a vision board should be a project to add to your to-do list. John Assaraf, the author of Innercise, also shares “Visualization of your goals activates the nucleus accumbens and insula, parts of the brain that drive your motivational center and trigger your feel-good neurotransmitters… In turn, the more you take action, the more your explicit beliefs, your outer reality, begin to align with your new, empowering, implicit beliefs. Until eventually, the new reality leads to your implicit beliefs, instead of the other way around.” (P.149)?

Seeing the images glued to the vision board is a cue to experiencing the goals you have set. The more frequently you experience the visualization of these goals, the more the feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain will fire. Because of this, as John says, you will be more motivated and less likely to experience burnout. High action, specifically when directed at a goal, leads to a higher chance of achievement than low action without a goal. Vision boards are a form of goal setting and because you see the goals regularly, your thoughts pivot back into the lane of the purpose of daily actions.?

Here is a great resource from Sunny Lenarduzzi, one of my modern mentors, which I used to create my vision board. She shares her outlook on creating a vision board along with other manifestation techniques: (Vision board information starts at 12:40)

Link to video: Here

Vision within Organizations

Companies also create and follow a vision. Many times, these are created by a board of directors or founders (pun intended). With intentions of the overarching goal of a project outlined within this statement, these idealistic outcomes are large and possibly daunting. Breaking down the larger vision into actionable, measurable, and inspirational segments (mission statements) is a way to progress without losing clarity.

In a way, organizations are like individual people. The people within an organization need to be reminded of a common vision shared by the community. Many hours are spent at “work”, so that time needs to be focused on a collective vision. Clarity of that vision is important and a statement is a way to codify the abstract goals.?

Stephen Covey states to “begin with the end in mind” in his novel The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He writes about the importance of setting a direction to move in, important in all areas of life. This is the second habit shared in the book, following to "be proactive", and is located in the first category of habits (managing yourself). Before action, the intention must be set and this can be done through a vision statement.

LinkedIn Vision Statement: “To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce” (Source:


With vision boards and vision statements, a greater level of clarity for future moves can be obtained. This is where missions come in to help move closer to reaching the vision. Values can be leveraged, in both situations, to guide with more specificity. The law of attraction or directed action may explain achievement, but the similarity in success is a clear vision.

Combine both

Creating a personal vision statement is a fantastic way to combine the strengths found in organizational vision statements and materialistically-based vision boards. Groups and companies who share a vision statement collaborate to a big-picture goal. Mostly, this goal unfolds innovation and facilitates creative ideas to improve life. Think about what you want to contribute to future generations and people you can reach, now. Materialistic vision boards, I see as a tactical approach to happiness. A vision board created after determining a personal vision statement is more powerful, a strategic approach to happiness. You will be fulfilled, spiritually (not superficially).

After realizing this, I have recreated my tangible vision board (seen, below) into a digital one kept on my Instagram- through a saved album of posts. This way, I can be reminded of my vision each time I open my phone instead of it being glued to at-home time.?

Past Vision Board

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*Past Vision Board: Included a completely different set of values, missions, and ultimately the vision of what I wanted to attract.*

My Personal Vision Statement

The personal vision statement I have created for myself is to:

Enable frictionless, transparent, communication to elevate global compassion.?

My habits, values, and missions revolve around this statement. I have set my target, the arrow’s course will be unpredictable.?

The second part of my vision statement was influenced by Jeff Weiner’s interview on compassionate management, highly recommended.

Find it here: LINK


Used while creating a vision, values are what remains important. They are a rulebook to follow while leading your life or a group. On a vision board, I like to reference the values as the words we glue onto the board.?

Quotes, bolded-text showcasing feel-good emotions, and single words you find important can all be gathered onto the project. Whenever repetitiously reading these words and phrases, your eyes catch them up on your wall leading to subconsciously practicing positive affirmations (another tool in leveraging the law of attraction).?

In an organization, a list of values is also created. Managers and leaders refer to these codified values whenever making decisions and constructing plans. Their decisions are affirmed by the justification of staying on course without compromising the company’s tone.?


I’ve been reciting daily affirmations for over a year and it has shaped my list of values. They transform my mindset and intentions. Sequentially, this has shaped my broad vision. The phrase-affirmations I recite, daily, are general. Yet, they support the unique values that are condensed to singular words. Affirmations shape cultures because they form societal beliefs, values, and habits.

This culture change happens in companies and within personal brands. After all, a company's culture is the collection of its employees' personalities and a personality is comprised of beliefs created by repeated thought patterns.

Mindset is created by the way we think, so awareness of our thoughts is a perfect first step into following our vision. Lastly, these affirmations have increased my self-awareness by opening the gates of reflection upon the meanings of the statements through my own perspective.

My Daily Affirmations

At the beginning of the 2020 craziness, I came across a video with these daily affirmations. Sunny Lenarduzzi shares them in this video: LINK

It came into my life at the right moment, impacting it positively. Here are what the affirmations state:

  • I am so grateful to be alive
  • I am scanning my body from my toes to my head and I am so grateful for this body of mine
  • This body supports me
  • This body allows me to show up as the most powerful version of myself?in the world
  • I am supported
  • I am loved
  • I am love?
  • The universe supports me and I am surrounded by a true abundance
  • Abundance flows easily to me
  • I easily create wealth
  • I am at peace
  • I am joyful
  • I am so excited for all the possibility and opportunity that awaits me today
  • By playing big, I am empowering others to do the same
  • It is my right and responsibility to show up in this world exactly as I am
  • I am worthy of being seen?
  • I am worthy of all that I desire
  • I am creative
  • I am a constant source of flowing creativity
  • I have a never-ending supply of profitable ideas
  • The world is mine for the taking
  • Each day is a blessing
  • I know I will never get this day again and I may not get a tomorrow
  • I make the most of every day I am given
  • I am so grateful for my financial freedom, never-ending abundance, loving and healthy relationships, peace of mind, and limitless growth
  • I am kind to myself so that I can operate at a high frequency and attract everything I want because everything I desire is already done

Personal Values

The affirmations were a foundation to the habit-stack of additional self-awareness and mindfulness practices I follow daily ( A #DiderotEffect of mindfulness)! Because I have reached a high level of self-awareness, I have been able to list five values to my support my personal vision.

Again, creating a spin to combine the strengths of an organization’s approach to value creation and the method within a vision board is how I created the list of personal values.

My Five Personal-Values:

  1. Compassion: Empathy plus action on a daily basis
  2. Curiosity: Ask questions- five w’s, and how. But, importantly, be a good listener
  3. Clarity: Enable frictionless, transparent, communication
  4. Enthusiasm: Do what sparks joy, find bliss, and be grateful
  5. Strategy: Be proactive, think of consequences and implications

Challenge: Create a list of five personal values!

LinkedIn’s Values:

  1. Members first: Without our members, there’s no LinkedIn. Everything we do, we do for them.
  2. Relationships matter: We’re in the business of building relationships. This includes our workplace.
  3. Be open, honest, and constructive: We strive to communicate clearly and share helpful feedback.
  4. Inspire excellence: No challenge is too big. We keep learning, iterating, and improving.
  5. Take intelligent risks: One of the secrets to LinkedIn’s success. Not every risk works out – but some do.
  6. Act like an owner of #OneLinkedIn: We make every decision, big or small, with care.


Helpful Tips

  • Repetition: The more frequent your visitation to your “VVM” (vision, values, mission), the greater they contribute to your identity.?
  • Blank: When making my vision board, I leave a portion open for spontaneity and change. There are infinite variables that may cause a pivot in the vision, mission, and values. Having a tolerance for change and adaptability is helpful, think about it.
  • Relationships: Our relationship compatibility is largely determined by a shared vision and mindset. I would recommend the book "Calling in the One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas. It helped me find clarity in what I seek in relationships while leveraging the law of attraction!
  • Mission Creation: Each phase required to achieve a vision includes a mission. A mission statement is required to set yourself, or a group, into a new goal. According to Investopedia, “The statement reveals what the company does, how it does it, and why it does it.” (Source:

LinkedIn’s Mission: “The mission of LinkedIn is simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.” (Source:


Together, by creating visions that strive for collective benefit instead of personal gain, we can act for global progression where results are a win for the community and for ourselves.

Marcia Pimenta

Human Resources Operations Manager

4 年

Love the article!



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