A Vision Accomplished
Two weeks ago I set down with my niece's husband who just happens to be a high school coach. He had just received the title of Tampa Bay Times, Pasco County and 3 A District 10 Coach of the Year. I wanted to speak with himto find out what he had done to receive this prestigious award. What he revealed to me has greatly encouraged me, because it has reinforced what I believe is one of the most powerful keys to achieving goals, dreams and visions.
He explained to me that he had taken a group of young players from only winning 3 games to playing in the state finals. He began the season by setting the vision before them of going to the finals and playing in JetBlue Stadium in Fort Meyers. Florida. He took a pictureof the stadium, made a poster of it and displayed it in the locker room where the guys would see it every time they came in and out. He told them if they wanted to they could play their final game of the season in that stadium in the state finals.
At every team meeting he would talk to them about the vision and point to the poster. The kids got excited and began to believe it was possible. Their play and attitudes greatly improved and they began to win games. At the end of the season they found themselves playing for the state championship in Jet Blue Stadium and while they didn't win, they are already making plans to go for it again. You go guys!... and keep your eye on your dream.
. After listening to him tell this story I told him there was a bible verse that spoke to just what he had done to motivate his players. When he asked what it was I shared the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 with him which says, "Write the vision on tables and make it plan so that he that sees it might run." KJV He got excited about it and I sent it to him in a text.
Later that week I received a text from him stating he had used the verse in a speech to the parents, faculty and students and they were all amazed at how it correlated to just what he'd done. Keys from Habakkuk 2:2
1. Write the vision: Jeff wrote the vision by taking a picture of the desired goal.
2. Make it plain: He spoke with his players and spoke to them about the possibilities that they could actually achieve it.
3. So that he that sees it might run: After seeing it often, talking about it in team meetings, and on the field; their play, attitudes and motivation lined up with their vision and they began to run toward their desired goal. Think about it...and keep your eye on your dream!