The Visible Worlds Versus The Invisible Worlds

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Generally speaking, there are two kinds of worlds: visible, invisible. We are living in the visible world, which is made of molecules. Atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons, are made of molecules.

Visible world is made of two kinds of matter: one, which we can see with our naked eyes; the other, which we cannot see with the naked eyes, and we need an eyepiece to support our eyes. There are two instances that our eyes fail to see the objects: either the object is too tiny to be visible such as Corona virus, or it is too far to be seen like dark matter, which still there is no accurate knowledge about it, and whatever whereof is known is but a theory.  The same is true about the color of the sky, which we always see it blue. The fact that it is blue because when sunlight reaches earth’s atmosphere, it is being scattered all over by passing through gases and particles in the air. Therefore, nobody knows about the real color and formation and substance of the heavens’ roof.

Our visible world is made of matter. It has mass, which occupies space. It can be small as a quark and big as a galaxy. Matter exists in different states, with different shapes, sizes, color, texture, and properties. As about its energy, according to Einstein’s theory, one gram of matter equals either 745 watts or one HP for 3500 years.

Now that we know a little about the visible world, the invisible world is next to touch upon.  What is ironic about the invisible world is that it is so much beyond human touch and experience that many consider it a pure fantasy. However, to our astonishment, it is so imminent, so established, so prevailing that the visible world comes from it and is controlled by it.

In terms of energy, as it was explained above, the visible world is full of energy and motion, but with regard to wisdom, knowledge, sense, volition, and formation of thinking, planning, and imagining, it is as unintelligent as an atom. An atom is a replica of the entire universe: what is seen and found in an atom is seen and found in the entirety of the visible universe. That is why, an ant has a will and tiny brain to find its food, to go where it wants, to frolic, to rest, to plan defense strategies, etc.; nature (the universe) has none. God is nature’s pilot.

There are various kinds of invisible worlds. First, as was explained above, those objects that are either too small or too distant to be seen by the naked eyes remain to be invisible to us, such as the world of microorganisms and dark matter.  Ibn Sina was the first physician, who discovered in 1025 that germs caused disease, and then the germ theory was postulated by Girolamo Fracastoro, Italian physician in 1456. As the technology was not yet prepared to prove the existence of such tiny objects, their theory remained hypothetical. However, centuries later, Louis Pasteur developed anthrax vaccine in 1881, and then in 1885 he tested his first human vaccine. Robert Koch discovered the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis and cholera. Thus, invisible objects, which caused the death of the multitudes, little by little started to reveal.

Second, abstract concepts, which are meaningful and understandable but have no physical form. That is, they live in our minds but not physically outside of our minds. There are two kinds of abstract concepts: one kind that it can exist outside of our minds with physical entities such as trees, tables, or houses, and we have a mental image of all of them, which they are converted into invisible abstract concepts. There is also another kind of abstract concepts that have no physical forms, such as freedom, beauty, truth, justice, intellect, and such.

Third, there is also spiritually invisible phenomenon. Let us consider two kinds of hearts: despite the fact that one is good and kind, the other cruel and evil, both of them look the same, have the same rhythms, have the same motions, etc.  

Fourth, human imaginary world: a creative mind can create a multitude of ideas and imaginary things that can be very unique and distinct from the rest of the ideas and forms. For example, one can imagine a fruit tree that it produces most of the fruits, with a huge circular stem whose center is a mile distant from its circumference, and whose branches touch the sky. This mental image, which exists only in the mind of the imaginer, is the property of that mind.

There is also another unique invisible world. Its peculiarity comes from the fact that although all activities and happenings are within our own visible world, we cannot see these activities, nor can we feel them, nor can we understand or track them. In fact, the whole things are out of our grasp. For example, there are scores of  Satans around us, whom we are not able to see them or hear them. Two angels are always living with us, recoding all our good and evil actions, behaviors, plans, and thoughts. Now and again numerous angels are sent to our world to do different errands. There might be other invisible creatures, but we are unaware about them; however, they are around us. Perhaps, they could see us and hear us, but we cannot.  

The last invisible world, the paragon of all other visible and invisible worlds, is absolutely perfect by all means.  It is perfect by all means and ways because it is the kingdom of God. Humans are using their hands or their implements to do the jobs. God is using only words to do the jobs, even if it is as big as creating or destroying a world. All the wisdom, goodness, power, mercy, beauty, truth, justice, virtue, and understanding come from it. It is free from all errors, deceptions, lies, conspiracies, corruptions, oppressions, injustice, and all other evils.

The invisible world, fortified and glorified by the kingdom of God, Whose throne extends over the heavens and the earth, controls, decrees, organizes, and secures the visible world. Creation, life, energy, and motion come from the invisible world. In the absence of the invisible world, or if it comes to a halt, the Creation comes to a stop, the entirety of the systems of the universe or universes fall apart, suffering their ultimate reverse.

To compare the visible universe with the invisible universe by exemplifying a woman, her dress is the visible universe, and her life is the invisible universe. Or if we present a building as an example, the color of the building is the visible universe, the building itself is the invisible universe. Although these examples sound incredible, they make sense because of the following reasons: First, the invisible universe is eternal; the visible universe is transitory. Second, the invisible universe controls the visible universe, not the other way round. Third, all the decrees, plans, and arrangements come from the invisible universe, not the visible universe. Fourth, the substance or quintessence whereof the visible universe has been made has no sense, no intelligence, no feelings, no volition, and no spirit. Therefore, without the support of God, the visible universe is but a pair of shoes without feet, an engine without fuel, or a body without breath. Fifth, humans have been created with free will; that is, power of acting without restriction of necessity and fate. As a matter of fact, you are responsible for whatever you do, and this accountability will not hang in the air forever and go unjustified. Therefore, freedom is the sweetest thing but also the heaviest responsibility. Sixth, both good and evil deeds are requited: good deeds are rewarded; evil deeds are retributed. Justice is the quintessence of God’s Kingdom. The worst form of confusion is due when such crimes as murder, rape, tyranny, robbery, arson, etc. are to be left uncompensated, forgotten, unjustified, hanging in the air forever: In the face of such confusion, no harmony, no life, no creation will come up. When there is no reward for our good deeds, no retribution for injuries, no signs for hope, no way out of frustrations, no payoff for our good efforts; when death is the end of destination, the end of our good deeds, the end of good efforts, the end of all justification, vindication, retribution, and rewards; to be exact, the end of all things, then the murdered and the murderers, the rapists and the raped, the robbers and the robbed, the criminals and the victims, the guilty and the innocent are equal, in the same boat, enjoying the same outcome, incurring similar accounts; accordingly, cases of such people as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pinochet, and other murderers and criminals are wrapped up and concluded in the same way as are those of their victims, which is chaotic. Here they were leaders; there they are murderers, with inevitable accountabilities. There are absolutely two different groups: the innocent, the guilty; the good, the bad: with totally irreconcilable consequences.


