Visibility Creates Possibility: The Transformative Power of Transgender Visibility in Shaping Futures
Leo Caldwell
Communication Strategist, Instructional Designer and Journalist for Hire- [email protected] | Using Empathy and Storytelling to Create a More Inclusive World
?As a proud midwestern trans man, I understand that visibility creates possibility.? I grew up in a small town with no representation and barely any internet. Without the visibility of my peers, I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t know what was possible.
Without the visibility of our elders - Miss Major, Jamison Green, Marsha P Johnson - we would not have the boundless possibilities today. Their courageous visibility illuminates the way forward, not just for themselves but for generations to come. They laid the foundation for access to essential care, support networks, and vital resources like Margie’s Closet. Creating a space where transgender and gender-diverse individuals could thrive rather than merely survive. ?Because visibility creates possibility.
Our elders had their elders, each new generation paving the path forward into the future. And while our youth may be able to move faster, it is the elders who know the path.
Those who chose to step forward do so at great risk because our visibility comes with a price. A price our elders paid 10 fold for and somehow that wasn’t enough - as you know, we continue to pay with our lives, our health, and our dignity.?
As more and more of us walk into the light of visibility, we’re often met with fear.? But what are they afraid of? That we might embolden a new generation to follow their hearts, to live a life they’re proud of, to be unshakably themselves, to pave further the path into the future. Because visibility creates possibility.
Much of what is going on in our country is a response to the great possibilities we’ve opened up to the world. Many don’t understand that trans and gender diverse folks offer a gift to the world. They fear what might be possible.
Our visibility has come at great costs but it’s also come with great rewards.?
Gen Z has shown we are the future. Gender diversity is the way humanity is heading. We just got here first.?
We got to the place where folks can express themselves no matter their assignment at birth. That being born with certain physical characteristics no longer limits who you can become or what you can do. It doesn’t matter your gender, you can do, be, wear anything. Because visibility creates possibility.
It’s a beautiful place to be. We have evolved and expanded our own understanding of gender until we are free. One day, we hope cis folks might be able to get here too.?
But we got here first because we weren’t afraid to be visible. And visibility creates possibility.
We’ve shown the endless potential when the world is not a binary.?
We’ve done all this and more through our vulnerability.
But what does visibility require of us - it requires we tell our story. Not just with our community but with our state, our nation and our world. It requires us to sit with reporters, photographers, podcasters, and influencers and share our humanity. Visibility requires vulnerability.?
It requires trusting someone else to really see you and understand you. Trusting someone with your unique story. We’ve often given this honor to the media. And many times, we’ve been failed by them. They seem to not understand that visibility requires vulnerability.?
As a former journalist, I understand the significance of media representation and the responsibility that comes with it. The media plays a crucial role in shaping narratives and perceptions, yet it often falls short in capturing the nuances and complexities of our experiences. It’s essential that we reclaim our stories, ensuring that they are told from our perspective, with integrity and respect. Because visibility requires vulnerability.
It is the media’s ethical duty to minimize harm to those most vulnerable. In years that have seen the highest numbers of anti-trans legislation and violence, some of the media giants like the NYT have amplified hate and misinformation and not our voices.?
But our words do not need to be filtered through cis and straight folks mouths, we can and do have the power to tell our stories from our perspective.?
Our visibility is a testament to the resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit of our community. It speaks volumes about our capacity to thrive in the face of adversity, to carve out spaces of belonging, and to inspire others to do the same. In our visibility, we find possibility—not just for ourselves but for those who will walk this path after us.
Christianity is the celebration of a woman who did not need a man to create life. Implying men may not be necessary for the species to continue (if at all it can be agreed the species deserves to continue - wars that men conduct indicate that they don't particularly agree with the belief that the species must continue). And if most of what's wrong with the world is because it's run by men and not women, it is logical to conclude that either women take over and run the world by principles that are innate to women, or men become women, at least in spirit. Transgender as an identity resolves this dichotomy. Acceptance makes the men more inclined and open to understanding the principles of femininity, which are better principles to design a world on.