Visión y Convicciones
Bienvenidos a esta nueva edición de la newsletter en espa?ol de Rothschild & Co Asset Management. En la publicación de este mes, nos complace celebrar los 30 a?os de uno de nuestros fondos insignia, R-co Valor.
Le invitamos a descubrir los orígenes de esta estrategia flexible y global, y a explorar las claves de su éxito desde su creación en 1994. Desde su génesis hasta la actualidad, permítanos guiarle a través de 30 a?os de pasión por los mercados financieros.
Oportunidades y riesgos en el segmento “investment grade” a la espera del pivot de bajadas
La historia pone de relieve que, tras un periodo de subidas de tipos de interés, el comportamiento del investment grade es positivo. Partiendo de esta premisa, ?qué riesgos pueden producirse?, ?cuál es el mejor escenario para este segmento del crédito?
Rankia - Funds Experience Andorra
Adicionalmente, destacaros nuestra presencia y participación en el evento de Rankia Andorra, uno de los principales eventos de la industria dirigidos a clientes institucionales.
Tuvimos la oportunidad de presentar de la mano de nuestro gestor Samuel Gruen nuestras estrategias de crédito más relevantes y destacar sus bondades para el momento actual del ciclo. R-co Conviction Credit Euro y R-co Conviction Credit Short Duration Euro.
No dejéis de echarles un vistazo y cualquier duda quedamos a vuestra disposición.
?Muchas gracias!
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Source : Rothschild & Co Asset Management, 28/03/2024.
Investing in any of the mentioned funds above involves risk, including loss of capital. To find out more about the risks associated with this fund, please refer to its prospectus, available on our website.
All rights reserved. This post should not be considered as an investment or tax advice, or as an investment recommendation from Rothschild & Co Asset Management. The data mentioned in this document may change at any time. Although this document has been prepared with the greatest care from sources that Rothschild & Co Asset Management believed to be reliable and in good faith, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to information accuracy or completeness, which is indicative only. The information does not presume the suitability of the UCI presented to the profile and experience of each individual investor. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact your financial or tax advisor. Before any investment, please imperatively read the key investor information document (KIID PRIIPS) and prospectus of the UCI carefully, especially its section relating to risks. Any investment is always subject to risk. Before investing, each investor must ensure the jurisdictions in which the UCI is registered. The KIID, the full prospectus as well as the net asset value (NAV)/net inventory value (NIV) are available on our website: The information presented is not intended to be disseminated and does not constitute in any way an invitation for US nationals or their agents. The units or shares of the UCI presented in this document are not and will not be registered in the United States pursuant to the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended ("Securities Act 1933") or admitted under any law of the United States. These units or shares may neither be offered, sold in or transferred to the United States (including in its territories and possessions), nor directly or indirectly benefit to a “US Person” (within the meaning of Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933) and equivalent persons (as referred to in the US "HIRE" Act of 18 March 2010 and in the FATCA provisions).
Rothschild & Co Asset Management, organized under the laws of France, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Paris RCS Paris 824 540 173. A management company licensed by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers under N° GP 17000014, having its registered office 29, avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris, France.