?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? - ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????

?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? - ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????

Last weekend, we completed 2 most important chapters of the Bhagavad Gita,

Chapter 3 : Karm Yog : The Yog of Action, and?

Chapter 4 : J?āna Karm Sanyās Yog : The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action.?

Here is a brief explanation about ????-?????????? and how ???????????plays a major role in ?????????????????the ???????????????of the ????????.?

First, let us understand the value of human life, as even the celestial gods such as Indradev (king of heaven), Varunadev (God of ocean), Kuberdev (God of wealth), Agnidev (God of Fire), Suryadev (God of sun), etc, have an ?????????????? ???????????????to be born as a ??????????.?

We all know that celestial gods execute powers which can never be attained by a human body. The human body is also frail and constantly vulnerable to diseases due to the external environment.?

Then why do these celestial gods, who are so powerful, long for something which is nothing compared to the powers they possess??

To understand this, you’ll first need to understand the theory of heavens and hells as per the ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????(refer post image).

When shree krishna talks about the higher planes of life, he refers to the ?????????? (Plane of existence)?which are present ???????????the ??????????. For example, the immediate ???????? above Earth is ???????? ?????? (????????????). This is where the King of heaven Indradev is seated, from here, they govern the happenings of prithvi (earth). Such as providing rain, sun, fire, air, etc…, through which all the 8.5 ?????????????? ?????????????? of existence can survive (including us humans).?

When these celestial gods are so ????????????????, then why do they ???????????of having a human life??

That is because??????????? (????????????) can ?????????be performed in prithvi (earthly plane), and even in the earthly plane the performance of Karma is only ???????????????to ???????????beings, and not to any other lower forms of species (dog, cat, lion, etc..).

For example, if an animal kills another animal, it is not bound by the law of karma, because that is its very nature. But when humans harm other humans, then the ???????of ???????????is taken into account to determine the ???????????????of the ????????.?

?????????? ?????????????????? ?????????? “????????????,” ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????.?

Now let us say, a person has accumulated a lot of negative karma during their time in a ?????????? ????????. Based on nature's law, the soul that was in a ?????????? form goes to a ???????????form of ???????????????after death as a ?????????????of its ?????????????????life ????????????????????.?

This happens because it is ?????????through a ???????????body can we achieve higher states of ??????????????????????????, and ?????????of the lower forms of species can experience what humans can experience (spiritual consciousness).?

After the soul ?????????????the body of an ?????????????(lower species), it waits and burns up all the negative reactions of its ?????????????????birth (as a human), so it can gradually ?????????towards a ?????????? ?????????? in its next life.

That is why Shree Krishna says in ?????????????? 2 ???????????22,

???? ?? ???????????? ?????????? ????????-?????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ????????, ????????????????, ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ??????????, ?????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ????????-?????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ??????.

He says this because the soul ???????????changing bodies ???????????on the ???????????it has ???????????????????????in its past lives. Now ???????????????a human body, the????????? ???????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ???????????(good or bad actions), due to which it casts off its worn out body and enters a new one after death.?

And then he says,?

?????????????? 2 ?????????? 27 : ?????????? ???? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????, ?????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????. ??????????????????, ?????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ????????????????????.

Based on the actions (karma) of the soul in a human body, nature will ?????????????????????????? allocate the next body. Because a soul ?????????????remain in a ?????????????????state ??????????????, and even in the ???????????of Lord Krishna, Maa Durga or God Shiva the soul still takes up ?? ?????????????????? ????????.??

?????? ??????’?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????? ??????’??, ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ????????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????????

The celestial gods are none other than ???????????such as you and I, who have taken up a position for a ?????????????? ???????????? of time due to their ???????? ???????????(work) in the ?????????????? ??????????.?

?????????????? 2 ?????????? 37 - ???? ?????? ??????????, ?????? ???????? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????????????????? ???????????? (????????????), ???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ??????????.?

Since Arjun was executing his ???????????????(karma) to fight adharma (unrighteousness), so the people in his kingdom could live under dharma (righteousness). Shree Krishna says that with such a good intention you will easily achieve the ?????????????????? ?????????? (????????????) even if you die while performing your duty.??

The ?????? ???? ?????????? (????????????) is only applicable in the ?????????????? ??????????, and not in the above 7 ?????????????? or the below 7 ??????????. The soul enters these regions only to enjoy the reactions of its ?????????that was performed in a ???????????form in the ?????????????? ??????????. Having realized this, ?????? ?????????????????? ???????? yearn to be born as a human, so in their next birth, they could focus more attentively on the ???????????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????? ????????.?

?????? ??????????????, The lower species (animals) that we currently see are ???????????????up their “???????????????? ??????????,” so they can gradually ?????????towards ?????????? ??????????.

And the residents of the ?????????????????planets are using up their “???????? ??????????,” before ???????????????again to ?????????? ?????????on ??????????.

Now let’s assume a celestial god has taken a human form, how would he / she ???????????????????to the top most plane (loka) which is ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ????????????

?????????????? 4 ?????????? 18? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????????. ???????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ??????????????, ???????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ??????????????.

???????? ???? ???????????????

It is known as ?????????or ?????????????????????actions that are ???????????????????????by the scriptures for regulating the senses and ?????????????????? ?????? ????????.

Following this, we can easily enter the plane of celestial gods (????????????). But ?????????? ?????????????????here, souls ???????????????that till the top most plane (7th heaven) there is birth and death.?

???????? ???? ??????????????????

???????????is actions that are performed ?????????????? ???????????????????? to the results, ???????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ??????. ???????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????????????? ?????? ????????.

So when the ???????????????????gods are ?????????as ????????????, they ?????????????to????????????????? ??????????. Because Akarm allows the soul to ???????? ???????????????into the plane which is ?????????????birth, death and karm (actions that entangle the soul).?

We have just learned the secret on how to transcend ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ??????????, that is by ???????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? (??????????).?

???????? ???? ?? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????, ???????????????? ???????? 1 ?????? / ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ???????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????? ???? ???????? ?????? ????????????.?

?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????

Be ?????????????????and ???????????????with ?????????????????you have ???????????and ?????????with the ?????????????in your ????????.?

This can be done in each and every task you perform in your daily life.?

If you are working at an office, try starting your work by ?????????????????the ?????????for the ???????????????????????he has given, as it helps to run your family effectively. In your prayer, mention that you would like to offer ?????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? 2 ???? 3 ?????????? as an offering (Yajna) to him. Doing this will make you more ?????????????and ?????????????????to the things you have in life, so ???????????????????????????the sense of ?????????????for ???????? ??????????????.?

The above steps can be performed by anyone and for ?????? ?????????that you ??????????????. It can also be done while ??????????????, ??????????????, ??????????????, ??????????????, ??????????????, etc..?

?????????????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ???????? ??????????????, ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ????????, ?????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????.?

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