No virus/vaccines when Lord returns
David Reichner
Husband to my eternal Goddess, Barbi, Education Consultant/Vocalist/Actor for Jesus Christ/Professional Head Basketball Coach
Based off the fact nobody in heaven or when the Saviors reigns on earth will be sick, have a virus or need a vaccine, I wish to invite all mankind to prepare for the day you enter into the Lord's presence.
Before the world watches the must see video, "Died Suddenly" ( let me prepare you with some insight to how we should receive it's truth. By the spirit of God, which is in me daily, I pray for our Lord's guidance. There is nothing in this article or video any man can dispute, period! This is all factual and doctrine, as though the spirit of God and the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to you directly. I am merely bringing the two topics together in a way nobody else may have done yet as an instrument in the Lord's hands.
First, as you discover truth, be not afraid of man, a virus or vaccines brought into the world by evil men who work for Satan! As you watch this video, "Died Suddenly" ( know with certainty all of what is shared was foretold by prophets of God; who revealed these things in scripture thousands of years ago. They did this to warn us, prepare us and testify of the Lord Jesus Christ. What we are witnessing is nothing short of the fulfillment of prophecy. Having this understanding we know the Lord is in control of the outcome. Those who keep his commandments, adhere to the Holy Ghost, shall survive spiritually into the millennium and eternities. Obtaining eternal life in the presence of the Lord and our Father in Heaven is our goal, and those who have ears to hear, eyes to see will accept all truths from the spirit. I pray you feel the spirit while reading this.
Second, as you gain wisdom in God and knowledge of science, know that Jesus Christ will heal you in accordance to your faith in him, knowing he can do all things. Yea, many mighty miracles have been wrought in this land because of our Savior Jesus Christ and righteous men who had great faith in him. I plea with all the world to do these thing...
Brothers and sister, if we speak in this manner and conduct ourselves with this level of faith, we place ourselves in the hands of the Lord and God will not lie. It is God's promise to us that if we have faith as a mustard seed we can move mountains and God cannot nor will not hold himself from us. "Knock and it shall be given unto you, ask and ye shall receive."
Now is the time to get righteous! It's still not too late. Fall to your knees today and plea to the father for forgiveness and repent of your sins. Forgive others and forget. Do not hold grudges. Do not be jealous or envious. No man may enter the presence of God in eternal exaltation lest he loves all mankind as Jesus does. Now is the time to love others. Pray to God to help you love others. Ask him directly to help you love as Jesus does. Be not afraid of man, but fear God only. Trust in him who came into the world to take upon the sins of the world, even Jesus Christ. Let your ways become his ways, and his ways become your ways.
Lastly, Jesus asked Peter three times, "Peter thou lovest me" and Peter replied, "Yea Lord thou knowest I love thee." We have already been asked by the Lord, even through Peter if we love the lord. If we are not feeding his sheep and inviting the world to come unto Christ, he will say, "I know you not and ye know me not." "Throw your nets on the other side of your boat and he will make you fishers of men." Spend your days inviting God's children to come unto Christ and you will be healed!
There are many miracles taking place daily right now, thus use your faith in prayer and ask the father to give you one. "Nothing wavering, but with real intent." Ask the elders of the church for a priesthood blessing with consecrated oil. Put all your trust and love into the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be healed. Again, do not merely rely on men and false medicine, for those do not exist in heaven or when the Lord returns. Prepare to: see the Lord, walk with the Lord, sing with the Lord and be healed by the Lord Jesus Christ; for in him all things are possible.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the video. I specifically love what is said by Lt. Col Dr. Sandra at the one hour mark. She expresses great empathy, compassion and sorrow for our God, in that so many of his children are dying and living under harsh circumstances. I loved hearing the doctor also speak of the great evil that is demonstrated as humans are being treated like cattle experiments. It's very telling and powerful to feel of these people's emotions as professionals. They have asked us to help be a voice, lest we are held accountable before the Lord. Here is my voice and I hope to do much more. Please join us and share this article or write your own.
I share these things and my testimony of it's truthfulness, in the name of Jesus Christ,
Happy to share with you this music video where I portray our Savior Jesus Christ singing... I would love your feelings on this music video as well. Thank you!