Color can be a beautiful thing.
John Babic
Entrepreneur & Strategic Investor | CEO, Board Chair & Founder | Transforming Businesses & Driving Innovation.
"Mental viruses are like chains of habit they “to weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken”. We need to free ourselves from these chains - without putting on another set of shackles.
Covid-19 is a biological virus -we all know how that works - the virus hijacks the DNA of its host’s genetic machinery solely for the purpose of replicating itself. It is able to do this because it tricks the host’s immune system into thinking it’s a natural occurring part of the host organism. This is the only way it can propagate and survive- it doesn’t care about the host – it sole purpose is to spread its contagion and multiply – even if it means killing the host.
Mental or psychological viruses, on the other hand, are spread by learned behaviour which often stealthily infects our subconscious mind without us becoming aware of it. This stealthy form of the of infection is a favorite used by commercial or political activists to who seek to covertly further their own agendas. Sometimes it might be for the good and sometimes not. They work by infiltrating, not the genetic code but rather, the psychological code of the subconscious mind in order spread their memes.
These viruses can trick our cognitive detection sensors (the equivalent of the biological immune system) into thinking these memes are a natural and inherent part of our psyche. One of the sneaky ways the psychological viruses trick our psyche’s into doing their bidding is by advocating or persuading us to put restrictions on our certain freedoms such as the freedom of speech. They do not like dissenting opinions and will do anything in their power to shut them down. They will only allow or tolerate actions or speech that it is shrouded in their accepted genre of political correctness or anything else which serves to advance the purpose of their mandate.
In highly publicized social or political events – these viruses are usually present. Social distancing does not lessen the contagion of this infection. These viruses are spread by culture, media, friends and family. These viruses are like chains of habit they “to weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken”. The best way to deal is by identifying them - civilly talking about them and not by giving in to violence. Violence is simply an uncontrolled catalyst which cause the virus to mutate even more.
To immunize ourselves against this spread - the one thing we must never do an that is relinquish our freedom of speech. This is the cornerstone upon which our society is built – without it there is no freedom. Our very way of life will be threatened. While lovers of liberty in all lands have urged the necessity of freedom of speech, none put the case more pointedly than Voltaire when he said: “I wholly disapprove of what you say—and will defend to the death your right to say it.”
And yes “all lives matter.”