The Virus Offers Great Opportunity

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This pandemic is likely a once in a life time event. We are in a situation where we are either not working or working at half speed. We are bored and worried. Not attitudes to feel good about - but as with most dark times a great opportunity.

Normally we struggle with many tasks and pressures on a regular basis. What better time to take control of your life, your career! Develop your personal leadership. 

We have control over the way we think. Do not continue self-imposed limitations. Begin to change your life to one of consistent higher achievement and success.

Give careful attention to your habits of thought, your attitudes. Attitudes direct behavior and behavior determines results. Change your life by changing your attitudes.

The key to developing personal leadership is to believe in yourself. Once you understand you can accomplish anything you desire, you are ready to generate continual success.

Be personally motivated. Motivation is internal, not external. Think of yourself as a thoroughbred that runs to win. You act to meet your personal needs and desires. 

Improve yourself even just 1% a month, a tiny amount. Through compounding, you will double your effectiveness in less than 5 years. What a powerful motivator. You can double your effectiveness several times over your career. 

You have a reason for doing more and doing it better each day. Life is a marathon. Over time regular small improvements create much greater personal success.  

Achievement becomes a way of life. Successful people realize they work for themselves. As they reach higher and do better, they discover more of their full potential.

Changing attitudes is difficult. We have two things in common, the present and the future. During our present, we program our future. The program we set today determines the results we get tomorrow. If we desire to create a different future, we must change our actions and the way we think today.

The following proven but sometimes difficult steps will help:

·  Write your goals down. Writing crystallizes thought and forces you to be realistic, logical. 

·  Develop an action plan. Define the steps to accomplish your goals. Put them in a logical sequence. 

·  And importantly: schedule your action steps. Make appointments with yourself to accomplish them.

·  Track and measure results. what you track and measure get accomplished. 

Personal leadership brings great personal rewards. As an effective personal leader, you will develop a strong success attitude that gives you:

·  The freedom to choose your own path to success.

·  The confidence that you are following the life plan that is right for you.

·  The elimination of confusion and frustration that comes from trying to please others.

·  The challenge and excitement of developing all your own potential.

Anyone can develop personal leadership and make it a dynamic force in his or her life. Now is the time to overcome your ennui and challenge yourself to begin the changes you would like to accomplish.

Tom Northup, of Leadership Management Group, is an executive coach, speaker, and author of "The Five Hidden Mistakes CEOs Make". He is an expert at how to lead and develop people to produce impressive results. He gives clients expert insight and proven methods to innovate, build sustainable growth and develop “unfair" competitive advantage.”


