Viruddhahara: Incompatible Food Combinations in Ayurveda

Viruddhahara: Incompatible Food Combinations in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, places great emphasis on the compatibility of foods. Certain combinations are believed to disrupt the body's balance, leading to various health issues. Here is a detailed look at these incompatible food combinations, or "Viruddhahara," categorized by their types of incompatibility.

Types of Incompatibility

1. Veerya Viruddha (Potency Incompatibility)

- Fish and Milk : Consuming fish and milk together is believed to cause imbalance due to their conflicting properties.

2. Sanskar Viruddha (Processing Incompatibility)

- Heated Honey : Heating honey makes it toxic and harmful.

3. Matra Viruddha (Dose Incompatibility)

- Honey and Cow’s Ghee in Equal Proportion : This combination can lead to adverse health effects.

- Honey and Rain Water in Equal Proportion : Should be avoided.

- Sweet and Cold Substances for People Used to Pungent and Hot Substances : This can cause imbalance in the body.

4. Krama Viruddha (Order Incompatibility)

- Hot Water After Honey: This combination is not recommended.

- Consuming Curd at Night: Curd is acidic and heavy, aggravating Pitta and Kapha doshas, leading to digestive issues. It is best consumed at lunch when digestive power is strongest.

- Sweet Foods at the End of Meals and Pungent Foods at the Beginning: This disrupts the digestive process.

5. Kala Viruddha (Time Incompatibility)

- Pungent Substances in Summer and Cold Substances in Winter: These combinations are contrary to the body’s seasonal needs.

6. Samyoga Viruddha (Combination Incompatibility)

- Fruit Salad or Milk and Banana

- Milk and Walnut

These combinations can cause digestive issues.

Specific Food Combinations to Avoid:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables and Milk: This combination should be avoided as it can cause digestive issues.

2. Meat of Animals from Marshy and Domestic Regions with Black Gram, Honey, Radish, Milk, Germinated Grains, and Jaggery: Can lead to serious health issues like deafness, blindness, and loss of voice.

3. Meat of Pigeon Fried in Mustard Oil with Milk and Honey: Causes blockage of circulation channels and can lead to severe health conditions.

4. Radish, Garlic, Basil with Milk: Risk of skin disorders like leprosy.

5. Sour Substances with Milk: Should be avoided due to incompatibility.

6. Ghee in a Bronze Vessel for More Than Ten Days: Becomes unwholesome and should be avoided.

7. Melons and Grains Together: Melons digest quickly, while grains take longer, causing digestive upset.

8. Milk and Melons Together: Both are cold in nature but have different digestive properties, leading to stomach issues.

9. Sweet and Sour Fruits Together: Should not be combined, as seen in fruit chaat.


Understanding and adhering to the principles of Viruddhahara can help maintain balance and prevent health issues. Ayurveda provides a comprehensive guide to food combinations, emphasizing harmony between diet and digestion for optimal well-being.


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