Virucidal Efficacy of Per Acetic Acid(PAA) and its use in Microbial Control

As we see life has originated from a single cell from the sea which gradually formed complex species ranging from #viruses #bacteria #fungi #plants, animals and eventually humans. History has witnessed Darwin’s theory over and again spanning from the era of Dinosaurs to upcoming Homodeus(Human God). Over billions of years, one phenomenon which was common was the message transfer from cells to the next generation and continuous development and mutation of cells to form a better and formidable species. The food chain depicts a classic cycle of life from plants, animals, humans, and microbes (decomposing the bodies). This looks like a perfectly balanced ecosystem.  

In history, mankind has witnessed so many forms of plagues, epidemics, and pandemics which has wiped off significant population repeatedly. Each time the microbe is of different species and stronger than the previous one. This time we are facing a pandemic of #Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Globally many companies are working on creating solutions to contain/kill these pathogens in an environmentally sustainable way. One of the chemicals which has displayed great promise against common pathogens like #virus #bacteria #fungus #molds etc is name Per Acetic Acid(PAA). PAA is a combination of Acetic acid and environmentally friendly Hydrogen Peroxide. While the benefits of PAA is slowly been accepted in multiple countries across the globe, we can witness PAA been used extensively for meeting Food Safety Norms, killing all types of microbes and surface sanitation requirements. The mechanism of PAA on viruses is characterized by disruption of the capsid and a RNA fragmentation.

Some widely used applications of PAA

-         Poultry/Sea Food/Meat: For containing Salmonella, E Coli and Campylobacter. There are many studies available online on PAA efficacy against common Flu-like H1N1, H5N1, Swine Flu. While there is no study published to validate the efficacy of PAA on #Coronavirus but this opens the door to explore the possibility of fighting the pandemic.

-         Medical Devices: Dialysis machines, Cleaning of Endoscopes after endoscopy. I am attaching one study from open source on the Virucidal Effect of PAA for reference.

-         Vegetable/Fruits Cleaning: Microbes on vegetables can be contained by diluted PAA.

As we can expect the mutation of pathogens in the future, PAA could be one chemical that can be widely used for the disinfection of surfaces, food, medical devices, water treatment, etc. in an environmentally safe way. We at Thai Peroxide pioneers in manufacturing Birlox 5, Birlox 15 & US EPA registered Clarity 15 to conform to global food safety requirements and provide protection against the invasion of varied pathogens.

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