virtuousCITY, January 2022
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
This morning, I practically stumbled upon my grad book for 1982. FYI, I am on page 116.
It got me digging up my Commerce '82 Year Book.... and my Junior High School '75 Year Book. Now, I am looking for my High School Year Book, '77, lol.
40 years since my undergrad. 45 years since high school. 47 years since those crazy days of junior high. Wow.
When I look back at my thoughts expressed then, I see truths and then not. Some things truly were important to me. Some were more "for the day". But these many years later, I feel blessed for the work I do as Educator and Entrepreneur. Indeed, with now 40+ years into a career around leadership training and development, both roles serve to allow me the expression of joy and purpose in teaching, speaking, coaching, mentoring, facilitating, training, blogging, vlogging, writing, cartooning, singing, dancing, and creating.... on that which matters most to me.
Since 1982, I have tried my best to follow the guidance of the work of Richard Bolles and his seminal Service of What Color is Your Parachute?
The book is edited each year, and I must have some 10 copies as they have evolved. I wholeheartedly recommend the work, with no personal vested self interest. Indeed, it grounds my work around Purpose to this day.
But, I digress.
Most recently, in Accountability Forward, I shared what I consider to be my own practice of Accountability, as I move forward.
I noted that my work and play and living is about "Advancing conversation, consultation and capacity around character, purpose and unity, and the global goals. Build a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally. Humans together, strong."
I say all of this to introduce you to my new monthly blog series, called...
virtuousCITY will serve those of you I affectionately refer to as Activants... Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders who are looking to make constructive change happen, on the ground, real-world, real-time. You are world-embracing and noble-hearted. You seek to mobilize a strong, united and character-driven team to change the world or your corner of it. You want to lead, inspire, educate and unite in doing so.?You are the Leaducators, Communitrepreneurs and Emergents ready to build a better world; locally and globally... at home, school, work, business and community.
Here, through virtuousCITY, I will serve by exploring the work of The Virtues Project as it pertains to home, school, work, business and community. Here, I will offer up thoughts and strategies to help advance conversation, consultation and capacity around Character, and Purpose, and Unity; and the global goals. And so, this month, I offer up two areas of thought and Service.
First, I offer these?channels of TUGtv:
Here, in this multitude of longer form conversations, you will find content exploring leadership, community building, Justice, ideas, youth, Humanity, health, environment, immigration, character and much more.
Secondly, for all Activants, Leaducators, Communitrepreneurs and Emergents alike... I offer up consideration of the 5 Strategies of The Virtues Project as a primer for our future exploration over the months to come.
Paraphrasing from the site... the 5 Strategies include:
All of that said, here in virtuousCITY going forward, we are going to explore how we advance conversation, consultation and capacity around character, purpose and unity to build a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally.
Humans together, strong. Indeed and in deed.
Peace, purpose and prosperity...