The Virtual World

The Virtual World

What is virtualization? “Technically, virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources”(Daly, 2012) or in other words, a computer-generated object that can only be interacted by any hardware through its user or the artificial intelligence its self. It can be used in storing wide amount of data and can also be called home of an artificial intelligence. According to the history, “Morton Heiling invented Sensorama in 1957, one of the first virtual reality devices that generate 3D motion pictures and provides some artificial effects with the audio feature in it” (Nelson, 2014). Nevertheless, because of its three dimensional graphics and the new surround sound technology, this computer-generated reality is likely to be found in today’s gaming and film industries. Additionally, as the world is moving towards advanced technologies, software applications and social networks, it clearly shows that the virtual world will take place of the real world, as it currently provides better solution for businesses, education, entertainment and nearly every possible interest related to any individual.

Although, it is illogical to think that a person cannot have better experience in his or her actual life, however, there are some unexpected events that can take place in anyone’s existence. As according to report form news articles, “A woman and six children was hit by a car while they were walking to school in Cloughmills”(Mulgrew, 2014). Without a doubt an unpredictable event such as car accident can leave devastating result for any individual. Nevertheless, these accidents can be avoided when experiencing electronic world, for instance if school education becomes online, children walking to the school can avoid road accidents, and can study in the safety of their home. Also, this electronic world can also a better way of educating children. Reading books is often not popular among children, therefore, virtual world may be a better place for them to learn which will create their interest and they will learn in a better way and can get inspire for what they can do in virtual reality (Reis, 2014). Beside that, children will not have fear of becoming the victim of any bully and will not suffer any horrible act of violence that could leave a physiological shock to their immature minds. It is true that they may not get into outdoor activities, but it is better than children becoming a part of some horrible tragedy. However, for those parents who think that outdoors activities are also important as much as their well being, parents should take this responsibility and “they can play outside with their kids”(Narvaez, 2014).

Beside form open-air exercises, it is unbelievable to see how the world has advanced to new technologies. Since everyone has moved from smartphones to IPhones and Android devices, it seems that “videogame companies are getting more benefits than any other businesses” (Russell, 2013). Nevertheless, there is a new upcoming gaming device called Morpheus, which will be available on PlayStation 4 and will allow players to experience “realistic audio environment within an immersive 360-degree virtual world” (McWhertor, 2014). It seems the cybernetic reality is on its way and will soon have the capability to interact with artificial intelligence with in virtualization. In addition, imagine the possibility of becoming a random avatar, exploring lifelike adventures, not to mention playing side by side with other players, experiencing of becoming different characters and controlling godly powers in your hand, all can come true with this technology. However, there are some communities who are against new technologies, they believe that technology have taken-over the world and it seems impossible to accomplish without it. Though, it is true, there are some things that are not possible without the help of a machine, but there are thing that a man cannot do and it can only be done by machines, for example, man cannot make his way from one country to another within 2 hours’ time limit, that a job of airplane. Thus, machines are made to help mankind not to destroy them.

Virtual world has a lot of advantages and experiences anyone would be excited to experience. For example, “entering in cybernetic environment will enable the user to dress his/her avatar as they desire, and can even change the way they look. Imagine, the avatar that is a represents the personality of its operator, and look perfectly in every way they want it to be. Plus, a user can also change their customized character and can try out new hair looks or other faction wares they desire, which they can’t do within their actual life. Computer simulated world is therefore better than normal life in a number of ways. You get control of many things in the virtual world, which are seemingly impossible in actual life and additionally, in an actual life, a person can feel lonely, but when experiencing virtualization, that person can make many friend as they want, without any hesitation” (Lagorio, 2006). 

Moreover, virtual machine is becoming extremely popular and desirable now-a-days which is evident from 3D and 4D experiences which can be seen especially in movies and animated films. People prefer 3D movies because it is a better experience and they feel as if they are very close to the film as if almost inside it. This is a form of virtualization (Frank, 2014). Likewise, gaming these days is also in 3D and 4D. Tools like X-Box are another step in the world of computer-generated environment, which are preferred because of its better experience and better enjoyment, not to mention its safer environment (Skipper, 2014). Virtualization is becoming increasingly popular in kids and teenagers. This is the age of technology and the rate at which technology has advanced in the last few decades are strongly evident that further innvations are in line, which will create a better world for all.

Not to mention the fact that this invention can also means decrease in use of natural resources in ways of electricity, fuel and gas. Since cars in electronic realm are not run on petrol or houses don’t need electricity, the more virtualization resulting in more saving of natural resources. Virtual world, in addition also does not pollute the environment in any way. It means there will be loads lesser pollution. It will preserve nature in a number of ways. Typing electronically on a PC or a laptop means lesser waste of trees and papers, which will have ultimate effect on nature. Thus, this cybernetic realm can save the earth natural assets with its limitless potentials. 

This invention is helpful in a number of other ways. As tools are there for gaming, another wise use of these tools could be and is also used as training systems. Professionals such as “doctors can be trained in computer simulated environment about how to operate or perform complex surgeries before actually doing it. This will result in a better and quicker medical research to benefit mankind” (Wiltz, 2013). Likewise, “in military training such as of combat, virtualization can be proved to be very useful. Military men can train themselves in the most efficient way possible, practice their arms and attack strategies, as cybernetic reality will enable them to practice in a safe and sound environment. Defense strategies can also be worked out effectively with the help of computer simulated creation and with the help of an artificial intelligence” (Pearson, 2014). Nevertheless, it is believed that before when the virtual reality was not complete, “military used to train their solders by killed harmless animals. Thus, thanks to the virtualization that laughter is now end, and now many countries are implementing and many are planning to implement this system” (Bekhechi, 2014). Complex arms such as missiles and drones are virtualized arms that are given a direction and then these arms attack on the target specified, and fail ratio is very tiny which means electronic world can be used as an advantage.

Businesses these days are looking ways to get cutting edge in a competitive market and for which, they mostly use advertising and customer-oriented campaigns. Virtualization may help in this regard. “With a business that wants its customers to try its products or a better marketing strategy is possible through electronic world. Moreover, business-to-business transactions can also be managed easily and efficiently. Virtualization can help reducing distances and enabling better quality communication and relations, eventually resulting in better international relations” (Monks, 2014). Additionally, it will decrease the travel expenses for the buyer and the seller.

Mankind is discovering cybernetic realm but has not reached its limits. Virtual world is simply limitless. All the basic limitations of real world fade away in electronic realm. For instance, you die and re-spawn in virtual world but can’t do that in real world. This makes electronic world more interesting and appealing. It is certain, this cybernetic world is becoming a part of us weather we demand it or not, or even if we don’t like it, we simply can’t go on without the help of this useful invention, therefore, if we let it go now we surely will fall behind. Therefore, without any doubt “virtualization has made our lives easier than real world” (Cline, 2005, p. 154).


Wiltz, C. (2013, July 17). Medical device and diagnostic industry. Retrieved from mddionline:–-changing-virtual-reality-healthcare

Bekhechi, M. (2014, November 11). How technology can bring military medical training out from a bygone age. Retrieved from Engineering and Technology Magazine:

Cline, M. S. (2005). Power, madness, and immortality: the future of virtual reality (1st ed.). University Village Press.

Daly, J. (2012, December 08). EdTech. Retrieved from edtechmagazine:

Frank, A. (2014, July 24). NBA courtside at home? Live action virtual reality is here and better than expected. Retrieved from Forbes:

Lagorio, C. (2006, July 31). Is virtual life better than reality? Retrieved from cbsnews:

Narvaez, D. (2014, April 05). What's better: indoor or outdoor play? Retrieved from Psychology today:

Nelson, F. (2014, April 30). A hostory of virtual reality timeline. Retrieved from tomshardware:,3811-2.html

Mulgrew, J. (2014, November 11). Telegraph. Retrieved from belfasttelegraph:

McWhertor, M. (2014, March 18). Sony announces Project Morpheus, a virtual reality headset coming to PlayStation 4. Retrieved from Ploygon:

Monks, K. (2014, November 25). A whole new world: 5 ways virtual reality can transform business. Retrieved from CNN:

Pearson, J. (2014, August 11). New military jets are so powerful, pilots must be trained in virtual reality. Retrieved from MotherBoard:

Skipper, B. (2014, October 29). Virtual reality the biggest change in video games since smartphones' says former Sega CEO Mike Hayes. Retrieved from International Business Times:

Russell, K. (2013, December 11). These 9 mobile game companies got over $100 million in sales in 2013. Retrieved from Business insider:

Reis, M. (2014, August 27). Could Virtual Reality Be The Next Big Thing In Education? Retrieved from Forbes:


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