Virtual Work Environment
I saw recently a photo of an employee in Manila carrying his humungous CPU and screen in a jeepney. The caption says, my boss asked me to take my computer because the city will be in lock down.
Businesses in all fronts including us in the tech industry are facing challenges. For most of our new clients in, it starts with setting up work from home systems while most of our existing corporate clients are focusing on improving VIRTUAL MANAGEMENT and EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE.
What these tell me is that our status quo of processes and systems in business and work is really not future-proofed. We are still operating in post WW2 military-style hierarchy, frameworks and systems. All the while technology advanced and with it mindset, behavior and expectations of people in the workplace have shifted rapidly.
But the gap in the management style and systems and the employee's mentality and behavior impacted by technological advances in our way of life has broaden in the past two decades.
So when a crisis like CORONA PANDEMIC happens, we are all not prepared; worse, we have no idea how to start MANAGING, TRAINING AND RECOGNIZING our people in a VIRTUAL work from home setup so that our BUSINESSES CONTINUE, SURVIVE and WIN in this new norm we call REMOTE WORK ENVIRONMENT.
Join us in Online Webinar - Managing Employees From A Distance and know more.
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