Virtual Trainings for Mastering Executive Communications and Captivating Audiences
In my work with clients over the years across various professional service industries, I’ve found that many executives and C-suite leaders often struggle to establish a commanding, authentic and captivating voice in the communications they share with important audiences, from employees to partners and of course, customers. In fact, many of them don’t even know where to start when it comes to finding their voice.??
In his book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, author and speaker Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” I often share this quote when evaluating a company’s or leader’s communications efforts, because it sums up perfectly why audiences choose to pay attention – or not – to what leaders have to share. The bottom line is this: If a business leader doesn’t have a clear sense of what drives their services, products or thought leadership, or they only sort of know why they do what they do, that uncertainty and lack of resolve will show up in all their messaging and communications outputs.??
Over time, WordWrite has developed tried-and-true strategies for working with leaders to help identify, capture and share their voices. I’ll be sharing these methods in my virtual training tomorrow, The Art and Science of Executive Communications and Thought Leadership, for Ragan’s Writing Certificate Course part of a series that began May 8, and which continues May 15 and May 22 from 1-3 p.m. ET. The theme of my session is Mastering Voice, Authenticity and Authority. The session is designed to help business leaders master and hone their voices through various exercises and messaging formats that appeal to audiences and their needs.??
Following the session, participants will walk away with a better understanding of:??
The Ragan’s training is one of several upcoming presentations I’m doing that are geared toward professional service audiences.??
The 2024 Law Firm Growth Summit?
Next week, I’ll be presenting at Profit with Law’s Law Firm Growth Summit which runs May 21- 23, alongside many other talented keynote speakers. My session, How A Law Firm’s Capital S Story Drives Growth, will explore how law firm professionals can better align the success of their firm and practices by uncovering, developing and sharing their firm’s core story. Visit the Law Firm Growth Summit website to learn more about my session for lawyers and law experts and read about fellow speakers sharing insights from their areas of expertise across law, sales, marketing, business coaching and more.??
Exploring WordWrite’s Capital S Story??
In episode 19 of the Storylines Live Podcast, our esteemed guest was none other than WordWrite Vice President of Operations, Jeremy Church! Jeremy shared insights about our firm’s evolution over the years, what he thinks our Capital S Story is, and how his background in sports journalism and nonprofit and law firm PR has informed his approach to B2B marketing and PR.?