Virtual Onboarding

Virtual Onboarding

Welcome New Hires with a great Virtual Onboarding Program

Welcoming an employee, newly joining your organization is easy when you can be present to do it in person. Their queries and doubts can be taken care of real time, providing them the best employee experience with ease. However, in this new normal era, the scenario changes. With the regulations put, it is not an option but a necessity to face the paradigm shift from being face to face to completely virtual for the process of induction and onboarding.

It is not easy for employees to cater to this new normal, as there are a lot of challenges that are faced, such as communication gaps, difficulty making the employees feel comfortable for working, formation of a gap in the bond between the employee and employer, etc. However, as gloomy as it may seem, the situation is otherwise. With the help of newly developing HR technology, organizations ensure a smooth way of onboarding process. Just a few things to keep in mind during the process and you’re all good to go:

?1.????Resources: Before you start your onboarding process, you must make sure that the necessary material has reached to your employee, or are available with them. A steady internet connection, a laptop/desktop being the basic requirements to start with. Apart from this any material that should be provided from the company’s side such as the company’s brochure, necessary documents related to the job/role, etc. should be provided so that the employees are not lost during the process.

?2.????Connect before you Connect: Before you officially start your induction, take some time out from your schedule to connect with the employees via call/video call. This makes the employee feel homely and it is easier for them to adapt to the company’s policies, making sure that they are on the same page that you want them to be on.

?3.????Set a buddy: People work best when they have someone who will accompany them. Some of the newly hired employees may require some additional time to get used to the company and its way of working. At that time, they can contact their buddy during the onboarding process to understand the company’s terms better.

?4.????Ensure continuous feedback: Feedback is one of the factors that helps the employee know how much he/she has contributed to the company’s success. Ensuring regular feedback helps the employer to connect frequently with the employee, getting to know if there are any difficulties or any problems where they can help. Taking the feedback of the newly joined employees may help get new ideas that can be utilized in future.

?Now that things are heading back to normal, we cannot expect every business to incur cost on its Human Resource Department for the hiring services. In case the company chooses to continue with both, face-to-face onboarding as well as virtual onboarding, the costs incurred to set up everything will be too high. It is better if they cater to outsourcing the virtual training and onboarding process, as it would lead to a significant decrease in the costs along with responsibility. Companies would no longer have to worry about the infrastructure, process, costs, etc. as it will all be handled by the outsourcer.

?The Onboarding process intends nothing but lay down a robust foundation of your company as well the relationship of the employee with the management. As a fact, the stronger the onboarding process, the better the bond. There is a lot of scope for HR Outsourcing companies in this area as stated earlier. Companies can take the first step advantage over others and ensure their successful long run by being both, an outsourcer, as well as an outsourced.?



