VIRTUAL OFFICES: Start your Business
The world has definitely taken a turn away from it's old ways. Facebook now has an umbrella corporation--Meta, as it expands its reach and moves away from just being a social media platform. Nowadays, you can hear on the news or from business owners that there is a shortage in manpower. People have finally given up on working tirelessly day in and day out in thankless jobs that are not the least fulfilling. Gone are the days when people would rather hustle and break their backs to save up working 12 hour days and driving back and forth to make it to jobs that can easily be done anywhere in the globe. Hence the emergence of the WFH or the work from home jobs.
Many companies, mainly having to do with computer, software engineers, IT, etc. have moved to work-from-home jobs. It saves on gas, time and you can manage your time accordingly as long as you get the job done. But there are also those who have realized that they want to be their own bosses. Small businesses have emerged and since the United States is the land of opportunities, setting their mind on a business and making it happen is just a few steps away for anyone.
Small business owners still work from the comfort of their home but would still like the separate of the "home" and "office." Those who want to start their business, Merabi Organization Group is here to help.
From opening your business--whether LLC or Corporation you will be needing a business address, and as you establish your business, marketing and putting yourself on the map is one of the the keys to success. Visit us at or simply call us at 818-817-0006 and we will help you start your business in the comfort of your own home.