Are Virtual Interviews the way to go?

Are Virtual Interviews the way to go?

COVID has presented us recruiters to a brand new world of working! First line interviews via Zoom/TEAMs/WhatsApp/Facetime has definitely been the way to go for us & we find they work far better than just a telephone interview. It gives us the opportunity to really connect/build rapport far better with our candidates.

We sometimes get asked about “Virtual Interview Etiquette” and so here are just a few tips and hints that may help.

1)  Make sure your technology is tested/set up in advance both in relation to picture & sound quality & your internet connection is strong enough to support the call – the last thing you want is to put additional pressure on yourself aside to the actual interview!

2)  Presentation presentation presentation! Dress & present yourself as if you were attending a face to face interview! Smart & professional business attire is expected. First impressions still count!

3)  Environment. Make sure your set is as business like as possible. If this is difficult, some systems allow you to select a pre-prepared backdrop. Eliminate any potential distractions if you can, we have all heard examples of how virtual calls have gone horribly wrong!

4)  Lights, camera, action! Sitting near a window or in the light is helpful so you don’t appear washed-out! Try to remember to look at the camera rather than the image of your interviewer and keep the camera at eye level. A great tip is to place any reminders on post-it notes around your screen, this way you will maintain far better eye contact & have your prepared notes just where you need them!

Good luck!

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